Do you value your life more....... than anything else? (Why) do you value your life more than anything else? Just consider this scenario... suppose you're in a situation, that demands, sacrificing your life will save say 10 strangers (human being). What is your choice in that scenario? would you let the 10 stranger die and save your life? or would you sacrifice your life to save the 10 strangers? P.S- Please see these replies from the meaning of life . Spoiler dabonz1965 wrote; yes kindness and love and sharing and giving and helping and peace of mind Spoiler T S wrote; The meaning of life is that life has meaning or intention imbeded within it, hence it was created with a purpose or intention. Probably infinite creativity!? Those who think life is/was created without intention will give life only self-serving or selfish based meaning From this perspective what would you do 'save them or let them die'?
This is the duplicate or repeat title... I don't know why it didn't appear here or perhaps I should have used quote instead of that spoiler , anyway here it is... Some post(s) in 'the meaning of life thread' inspired me to create this thread why? please read these replies..... So the question here is, (why) do you value your life more than anything else? and if the meaning of life is caring, sharing, loving and helping or if it is created with a purpose then would you sacrifice your life to save say 10/15 stranger (human beings) or let them die and leave with your life..... in a situation that demands your 'life' to save those strangers? What would you do? save them and die sadly or let them die and live happily?
Do you believe you will get back something in return for your sacrifice? In only one situation would I give my life for someone else. If the person or persons I am giving it for are young and I'm old. If I were around 60 years old then I would have no problem in visiting the bone yard. I would have had my life, so give them a chance to have theirs. Other than that, No !
By what criteria would we assign value to a (our) life, and how can we possibly justify such a value assignment in the absence of any underlying objective standard for value?
10 strangers & me = 11 1 bad guy making me choose who will die 11 kills 1, all 11 walk away alive Job done
All 11 of us are Ninjas and have the power of invisibility, also we have control of the matrix and bullets fall at our feet with the wave of a hand