since they mess with the shell of Windows, do you think tools like Classic Shell has any adverse effects on Windows or is it fine to use?
I have seen no adverse effects to using a start menu replacement or alternative. The programs are simply using dll hooks to do some of the tasks that is all.
Might be a good idea to uninstall Classic Shell before applying the next big Windows 10 update when it eventually comes around. You can reinstall it after applying the update. IFAIK Classic Shell setup looks for the dll hooks like Smorgan said ^. If the Windows Update changes something there, Classic Shell might not work as expected. I'm rather pleased with the Windows 10 start menu, btw. I've killed most of the preloaded big icons there and am using that space for things I really want - right click the exe, shortcut or window and pin to start. So now I have 'most used', 'pin to start' and 'pin to taskbar' - helps me to quickly launch my frequently used programs and tasks.
My classic shell is there since w7. Never had a problem upgrading windows. (frenkly nowadays is rare to have porblems upgrading even with antiviruses ). The only problem was that the latest WINdows disables Classic shell, but the newer versions auto-fixes itself at first logon.
I'm still using Start8 from Stardock, no problems, it just doesn't show the right pane with the tiles... Which I don't like anyway so it's fine with me...
I would like to give the new start menu with live tiles a try, but want to revert back to the strictly folder orientated system of W7 under programs /all apps. W10 doesn't seem to offer this by default and as far as I understand the alternatives they only allow to use a W7 or XP style completely. But I may be wrong, that's what I've read about them, I only used classic shell on W8.x. I organised my links thematically, eg. Audio, Video, Programming, Games, Office, etc. This works really well for me and I find things I programmed years ago and only barely remember at all without too much hassle. An alphabetical list with hundreds of entries would just not work for me.
[h=2]Does using start menu alternatives have any adverse effects?[/h] can only make for a better user experience, said the "Blind Man as he pick up his Saw and Proceeded to Nail a Piece of Wood"
Start8 is surely better than the stock one. But why people wants to use it when the older and better and free Classic Shell is available is beyond me.
Because Start8 has more features... I've switched to Start10 now by the way, it's way better then Start8 and has even more features. Classic shell doesn't even come close...