Thank you Paiva . When goro14 raised the issue of a small Linux it took me back to the mid '90s when we were building a router for a vpn using Slackware, with an Apache webserver to identify it's presence. This ultimately led us to Zipslack as a small system. and further to the LRP (Linux router project, a system on a 1.44 floppy.) This ultimately failed due to my inability to make my 802.11b cards behave. Got around it by using a regular nic connected to a cheap wireless router, that's still working. Before making a suggestion I went looking for zipslack and found it had been dropped a few years ago. You obviously have found it's replacement, and I thank you. I'm presently loading up a flash drive for a test. ...T
@tonto11, We're here to help! If it works correctly I'll be happy. Always needed some distro (based on Slackware or Arch), and people have contributed. Good luck on your tests.
it is based on Slackware and Slackware is independent and not based on anything. Well originally.. possibly forked by something, but independent now lol
Slax works nice , even got my wireless working without to much of a fight Thanks to Oliver Mattos ( ...T