Is it just me, or did the order of the right click options change? Can I change it back if that is the case? Muscle memory has me automatically picking the wrong options.
Maybe you say what's different and also what's different if to compare to some of previous versions. I rarely use this broken browser myself and probably haven't detected this problem. It would also be good to add a picture, then can look into what can be done. Personally, I doubt that anything can be changed there.
I am not a fan of tabs so I usually open in a new window and I have done so for so long that I don't read the menu. Starting today after update I am getting a new tab instead. It looks like the moved now window to option 3 on the list, friggin annoying.
I compared back until the version 95.0.1020.53 (I am also now in version 95.0.1020.53) and could not detect any menu changes other than the Extensions menu change. So I can't think of what you're talking about. All other menus seem to be exactly the same and there are no changes. At least so far I haven't discovered anything that could be called as "a change".
I use "open in a new window" a lot but I'm getting a new tab instead, like they moved "open in new tab" to the top of the right click list.
Right now I specifically tried all the options that came to my mind, to open by clicking on the "Open in new window" menu and everything will open in a new window as it should. Everything, ie all links, all favorites, all images etc. So I can't guess why yours not opening. This must be some kind a local problem.
Why use a bad copy of vivaldi instead of the fully working and customizzable original? Just remove the crappy edge, install vivaldi and configure every detail to your likings.
There is not such thing, a decent browser opens in a new window if you tell to open in a new window A decent browser allows you to choose if you prefer to open a new tab next to active one, or on the extreme right.
Maybe now is the time to forget this version with all its problems, because the next version 97.x.xxxx.xx is long overdue/released and has already received additions and fixes. There is no point in talking about the dead anymore, especially since there was no similar problem.
It is NOT a problem, read again & try to understand before you answer Apparently right-click menu order changed SINCE 96.xx Maybe it did, I do not use Edge as my daily driver, so could not say. But the current order is logical