Hello Do you know a site to create a theme for Edge? I found some on the web but maybe one is better than the other Thanks
Ok thanks those are the ones I found In fact, I'm trying to find the same appearance as before (accent color in the title bar) which is gray now and not the color chooses in Windows with the default theme
@tistou77 Unfortunately, yes, there is no such option given, and I tried changing it with a .json file, but it didn't work, at least initially. I'll investigate further and let you know if I find anything. Maybe I put it in not correct place or what ever, don't know.
Hi @kaljukass Were you able to find anything? I'm trying to make a theme with the same colors (a shame....) but I can't find certain colors and it's impossible to separate certain colors Thanks
@tistou77 TAB TEXT - it's the active TAB text BACKGROUND TAB TEXT - it's the inactive TAB text and the one where you have themebeta.com, I don't have it... so I can't say anything about it
@kaljukass Yes thanks, I edited If you can tell me for the color of the buttons, etc.... Thanks for your help
@kaljukass Yes, it's good for that, I was asking what the default colors of the Edge theme were (for versions where the accent color was still good) Maybe you weren't using the same color of accent color as me (default blue for me in Windows) But visually, it appears to be black 0 0 0 for the buttons and gray (247 247 247) for the active tab and the outline of the buttons Otherwise, do you know how to ensure that the theme is always present in the Edge options (appearance)? If I test another theme present in the options, the added one disappears (forced to reload it) Thanks
Probably yes it will disappear, I haven't tested, but there is probably some way to make it permanent. But it's actually not difficult to reload. And one more thing, if I remember correctly, they're going to change something about the appearance in the near future, so I guess there's no rush right now.
Ok, I wonder if this is not wanted to be gray now, to "stick" with that of the Task Manager, etc... Which is really ugly, that's why I use the W10 one