What is best method for extracting a single edition on a multi iso....and saving to a single edition iso? ive been using MSMG toolkit to extract a specific version of windows from consumer/business iso's to make a single iso for a specific edition. is there an alternative? or is this the best method. ( normally have various usb drives with each edition i need )
The method I have used: 1. Mount the source iso to a drive with ultraiso (eg. f 2. Extract single edition with wimlib-imagex.exe Spoiler: singleEd.cmd Code: @Setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @Echo Off Pushd "%~dp0" Set "ROOT=%~dp0" Set "ROOT=%ROOT:~0,-1%" If not exist "%ROOT%\wimlib-imagex.exe" (Echo Missing wimlib-imagex.exe& Pause& Goto :_Final) Set "WLIB=%ROOT%\wimlib-imagex.exe" Set "_wim=f:\sources\install.wim" If not exist %_wim% (Echo Wim file not found.&Pause&Exit) For /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%# in ('%WLIB% info "%_wim%" 2^>Nul ^| findstr /i /c:"Image Count:"') do (set nSum=%%#) Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion For /l %%i in (1, 1, %nSum%) do ( For /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%# in ('%WLIB% info "%_wim%" %%i 2^>Nul ^| findstr /b /i "Name:"') do Set "cName=%%#" Set "bName%%i=!cName:~19!" For /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%# in ('%WLIB% info "%_wim%" %%i 2^>Nul ^| findstr /b /i /c:"Edition ID:"') do Set "_eid=%%#" Set "e_id%%i=!_eid:~13!" Echo %%i. !bName%%i! ^(!e_id%%i!^) ) Echo. Echo 0. Exit Echo. :_List Set /p "_chc=Image for custom: " || Goto _List For /f "delims=0123456789" %%a in ("!_chc!") do set "_chc=" Set "_chc=%_chc%" If not defined _chc (Goto _List) If %_chc% gtr %nSum% (Goto _List) Set "bName=!bName%_chc%!" Set "_eid=!e_id%_chc%!" Endlocal & Set "_chc=%_chc%" & Set "bName=%bName%" & Set "_eid=%_eid%" If "%_chc%"=="0" Goto _Final If exist install.wim (Del /f /q install.wim) Echo Extract Windows Build %bName% ^(%_eid%^) %WLIB% export "%_wim%" %_chc% install.wim --compress=LZX %WLIB% info "install.wim" Pause :_Final Popd Exit 3. Unmount and SaveAs the single edition with ultraiso.
or more easy and up to date iso use uupdump.net and choose pro sku only add net fx 3.5 add reset base