Fistly, what you are showing is cpu usage in task manager. Nothing to do with temps. For that you need something like Realtemp or speedfan. F @ H is a very cpu/gpu intensive programme so expect higher usage and temps.
I just thought I would add that in there. But if you look at the bottom right hand corner of the pic, there is a reading in green from PC Wizard 2010 (when you minimize) It's saying about 179.6 for the CPU. Earlier I was getting a reading of 206 F. But if this is all within normal range, then kool, I'll keep folding.
My bad.......I didn't notice the temps down there. In this case I would stop folding NOW. Cpu is way too hot and your gpu is pushing it too. You need to lower the usage settings in folding @ home. To be honest I wouldn't run F@H on a laptop due to temp issues.
Good idea then. I only have a few more folds left (495/500 done) and then uninstall. Let my PS3 and my desktop do the work. Thanks!
I didnt even realise that you could use a PS3 for folding......interesting. I would definately use the desktop for folding as its much easier to keep the temps under control, im surprised your laptop has'nt given up on you after running at those temps, above 90^ is'nt really good for a cpu. So have you joined a folding team like EVGA ?
BTW that was Fahrenheit. She was actually pushing 70 Celsius. But she is over with cause I like having that machine more portable anyways. I already have two machines at my pops house (a Q6600 and don't laugh a P4 no HT), the PS3 and my Q9400 machine already. I'm also thinking of migrating my P4HT GX620 running on a GF 9500GT to my pops house and run it on pure GPU crunching. (No room in the apartment) But yah on the PS3 already installed since firmware 1.6. It's called Life with PlayStation now. There is a way but you can put your username and affiliation in there and bam it goes right to work. It's pulling a 500 in about 5 hours. It just won't crunch while you're playing games or watching movies. I am folding for ClubLexus forums at this moment. I am flipicanez there.