before a long time ago. when I was doing .net projects for fun I create this stupid and useful app to encrypt your precious data as you can see you can choose your own Key & IV type Enc & Dec files from disk Enc View & save to file [text box -> text] Encrypt options are. my favorites method is: encrypt view -> save file & to open: decrypt file, view option ->... End results [Source Text] Code: Algo: Des ,, IV: 8 bit ,, Key: 8 bit Algo: RC2 ,, IV: 8 bit ,, Key: 6-16 bit Algo: TriDes ,, IV: 8 bit ,, Key: 16 bit Algo: Aes ,, IV: 16 bit ,, Key: 16 bit Each char hold a bit ... so put char as bit [End Text] Code: 3׳+e₪פTֶ¼ּ¬B¾×w1a א¦־אגCdס ™Og¯8ו:†¡zג׀ה0־טq‡ֻזX^’&·TZ-LQִר{Tj!טשטפ‹{"e׃E%#c‚4ֽzu}$׳שT¶hר?]D“MוFֶ²ײZ„¶ַ!Y1״׀s!ץ‚c–פסrֻ‹8 ?¢ײeֵBז¾םT‚JbZXֻµpXZi»ת¾t›D¼ה^׳A!ם׳³ײg«ַֹ }