The game is very easy and in my opinion interesting. One person gives any word with not less than 6 letters and the next person should create new words out of letters what the big word consist.(As much as possible) Example: The word Example has e,x,a,m,p,l,e letters, so i can find next words : exam ex lamp ample map and so on... You answer and then give a word Hope you will like it.
deep see no ease hop don noes head(s) shone shop sheep phone(s) seed heed ad he('s) she hone on one('s) neo need dope done pod pad pea(s) hose hope(s) hen heap sea sad son soap nod nope english not my native language next word:
information formation nominator informant frontman natiform monition martini fronton monitor amotion nonfarm ironman tormina amorini franion amorino fontina norimon oration tromino footman formant finito norman montan forint romano amnion aroint minion infima fanion maftir format inform natron nation footra moirai morion notion ratoon tinman nomina afront martin mainor firman infirm ronion manito matron fiorin intron fantom infant ration motion anoint nonart faitor nonfat intima maroon train imino afrit afoot front faint amort innit maron manor manto amnio moria rotan animi moira intra frati ratio roton ronin matin tomia iftar riant mirin infra orant amino amrit inion noint nomoi torii nitro imari motor ratoo trona minar intro fitna norma minor foram ariot noria roman anion ramin toran niton inarm timon onion motif moron fraim toman morat tamin nooit fanon font tram into fano fart firm fini nona tian firn airn roin morn anno omit tora oint tron nori rota tiar inia amin moai onto roof mina fino frit rani foot mani naif mono rain airt main anti mort norm moit noni roam anon mooi amir miri roan moan tori from fora arti ront mair nota roti room iota mano tomo moti rait noir fiar roon mart mini moon frat nain mofo fiat torn miro moat toro rant moor roto inro tina root mino moot roma noon tarn tain naoi taro form rato foin mint mora raft oont trim toom afro trin toon noma trio inti farm mona tiro fain fort info faro atom foam riot rift rima iron fair rami nat rom ora moi aft fra nor man roo ion rat not orf mon mar moo rot mat tin mor ami arf mot tai ria oaf fin fro tam tan rif oof arm ani tao aim ono fir ain ort tom fit nim mna ton tar too fan ann air rim oom tor art ait rin oon oar fon far oat nit rai fat moa nam ant ita oor nan inn for rit oot oft ram nom ran non mir noo na mi if mo fa in io ta ai of no it oi am an ti om on ar oo at or to ma next word : Libre