Firmware / Tech. difference ATi HD 5870 "PC <--> Mac version"

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by itsmemario1, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. itsmemario1

    itsmemario1 MDL Expert

    Sep 10, 2012
    #1 itsmemario1, Jan 4, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
    ati hd 5870.jpg

    There are always many different "manufacturers" of graphics cards.
    ASUS, Gigabyte, HIS, Powercolor...etc.

    Most of the time they look a bit different, design and sticker wise.

    I really wonder why the "Apple Certiifed" Version of the 5870 (with a nice additional metal backplate and 2 display port ports, instea dof HDMI) goes for 3 times the money on ebay as the "normal" versions ?

    Is it really just this additional "metal plate" (and 2 display port ports, instead of HDMI) ?
    (and that it has the apple word in it ?)

    Or is there more to it ? Firmware related maybe ? Completely different PCB ?
    I cant seem to find an "apple logo" on the card for example.

    And there are indeed "apple certified" cards with NO display port ports on it :
    ati hd 5870 2.jpg

    The only obvious difference here seems to be the texture of the black plastic cover...

    Id love to know more. :)