[FoxPro] Need to get data to Excel from FoxPro DBF files

Discussion in 'Mixed Languages' started by kibkalo, Feb 6, 2024.

  1. kibkalo

    kibkalo MDL Expert

    Sep 8, 2009
    My customer has a legacy application, using Visal FoxPro (damn old s**t) databases.
    On server side (somewhere a remote file share, we have a share access only) there is Database folder with bunch of .DBF, .CDX and couple of .FPT files.
    Client side is an app that connects to a file share from different region, user enters some password and gets access to the features available for his role.
    No database administrator exists anymore.

    I need to export data from that database to Excel.
    I am able to copy all the file share contents to my laptop.
    Now I need to access data.
    Installed ODBC and OLE DB providers, but can't connect to file DataSource.
    Need username and password (but have only a password, unique for each user).
    Give me a hint please.
  2. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    #2 pm67310, Mar 17, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2024
    visual fox pro 9 full install


    after install try to import database

    install on modern os


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