Several of my apps no longer work as they are supposed to, because they are no longer supported for Win7. Worst is the VPN I use, and that is something I cannot have... A friend gave me a USB stick with a modded Win11 22H2 22623.1095 to run on older computers, circumventing the security and Chip specs Microsoft demands. I installed this on a 10 year Fujitsu Laptop with an i5 3rd Gen. and works very well. I have no idea what kind of version 22H2 22623.1095 is, but I suspect it is quite old. I looked into the first few sticky threads for Win11 on this page, and for someone without any experience with Win11, there is a truly overwhelming number of versions. On my desktop I use an i7 4770. Please, which iso version of all these ones should I use, that will run well on my computer (which does not live up to the hardware demands of MS) ,and which I can install from a USB stick, using Rufus? Thank you, very much
It's not that old but a beta (test) build, go for retail channel builds like Win 11 22000.xxxx (21H2) or with 22621.xxxx (22H2). Never use an unknown USB containing a "modded" windows. You can use this tool to fix the ISO (to be able to install it on unsupported systems) and i run all builds on my i7 3770 without any problems.
Thank you, that seems to be what I want to know, just one question, is not 22H2 newer than 21H2? What is the difference between 21 and 22? ( That modded 22H2 did not come form an unknown source And I only put it on a rarely used old laptop. That much I did learn in all the years here I was really surprised how fast and without any problem, incl updates, it worked for two month now )
OP, you could also just use Windows 10. Supports every app W11 does. But will not require any modding to the install or anything of the sort.
Thank you, Enthousiast I went through the versions and I find three possibilities: 22621.1555 22621.1631 22621.1616 and each En-Us x64 of these comes as: Home, Pro, Pro Educ., Pro for Work., Educ., Multi Session, Ent. and there is also and N Version for each of these... What would you recommend for someone who is basically installing Win 11 for the first time? Thank you for your patience
I read the posts in the thread and wrote my opinion. I could miss some nuances in the abundance of text, although I wrote answers to several questions. You can structure questions and provide them in a concise manner. Or wait for other users who will compose the information in their head and want to answer in the topic.