I have a laptop with Windows 10 32 bit and want to reload with 64 bit. Magic jelly bean shows "Installed from 'Full Packaged Product' media." Where can I get the ISO I need?
Try reading the stickies. The 1809 topic as well as the SVF topic. All the ISO's you could possibly need!
check and read this https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...blic-1809-final-build-17763-1-107-pc-r.77945/
Full Packaged Product = FPP = RETAIL channel. Usually bought in stores (the physical kind). So you must have a Retail product key or a digital license (HwID). As for the ISO, any Windows 10 ISO will do, as long as the Edition you have (Home Pro, ...) is included in it. For most users, this would be the Consumer All-in-one. The topic @coleoptere2007 linked to has the links to all resources. Note that the file deletion controversy about the 17763.1 media (the first release) does not apply if you are clean installing (upgrading from 32bit to 64bit is not possible). The refresh ISOs are overrated, anyway.
Please run the QT from here and post the saved report here in code tags, it will tell us what activation the laptop has and what hardware: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/multi-oem-retail-project-mrp-mk3.71555/#post-1283849 What ISO doesn't really matter, the key is leading, iso's can be downloaded here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...3-ltsb-2016-2015-server-2016-techbench.77028/