Looking for responsiveness. XP or 7 can run lighting fast, yet 10 on 100 times more powerful hardware feels like it is running on a calculator. No Store No Cortana No Notifications No Windows Defender No Annoyances (feedback, error report, logging, gamemode) ... just plain Windows with all runtimes pre-installed - DX9, VC+, NetFramework.
I'd appreciate a slimmed down version, although error reporting is still essential IMO as this will be an OS, and it would have issues, and we want those to reach Microsoft and get fixes. Focus should be on stability and low footprint, and stop messing with the Fullscreen and trying to "optimize" it.
The actual purpose of any "fullscreen optimization" is to open a very lucrative backdoor into the online gaming - a rather opaque marketing target. Millions of financially potent people escape the usual social media channels spending hours upon hours in multiplayer games. And true fullscreen kinda ruins "peeking".. No news there, lame "AV" companies from the likes of avast = avg, or razer spyware bundles, or former raptr partnership with amd, geforce experience and so on have been tapping this potential for years, so Microsoft is after the pie, too. The whole insider bulls**t and the social media fake buzz is just a honey trap for them whales - make them feel "included" and they will pour money, data, whatever, but it's just an illusion served in tiny pieces - microsoft could create an absolute beast of minimalistic "windows lean and mean" but they simply dont want to, as it's not profitable on the long run. Thats all that matters. So keep up the fight, and dont give up even an inch of control to them.
Nah, for LTSB/C there's GPO, additionally minimizes the likelihood of future problems with features and updates due to broken dependecies .