[Giveaway/Contest] 5 x Lifetime Licenses of Actual Window Manager by Actual Tools.

Discussion in 'Giveaways and Contests' started by whizkidraj, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. whizkidraj

    whizkidraj MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Apr 6, 2012

    Actual Tools - Tools for Professionals:- https://www.actualtools.com

    What is Actual Window Manager?
    Actual Window Manager is a desktop organization application that introduces unconventional window navigation controls for more convenient and enjoyable working with the computer. Actual Window Manager includes all Actual Tools software. Actual Multiple Monitors gives you the best multi-monitor management. Actual Virtual Desktops gives you an opportunity to use virtual desktops on all monitors. Actual Title Buttons adds new Minimize to Tray, Stay on Top, Roll up, Move to Monitor, Maximize to Desktop, Set Priority, Make Transparent and other buttons to any window's title bar and context menu. Actual Window Guard allows you to keep your workspace in optimal condition for efficient and comfortable work.

    Actual Window Manager increases productivity of a Personal Computer and consequently increases productivity of a person who works with it. Actual Window Manager decreases the time a person usually waste on switching between windows of different documents, keeps a desktop in order, increases productivity of work with two or more monitors and makes work convenient and comfortable. It can automate some routine window control operations so the user should not draw his/her attention away from some important idea to click the mouse to maximize a window, for example.

    Figure 1. Actual Window Manager main window.

    Figure 2. New buttons in window title bar and large system menu.

    Figure 3. Actual Window Manager settings for the most popular applications.​

    Multi-Monitor taskbar
    Actual Window Manager gives a unique taskbar to all monitors. Each taskbar has the Start button, Show Desktop button, clock, notification area, toolbars and allows using all Windows features (including those introduced in Windows 7). You can use Pin to taskbar, Jump Lists, Aero Peek, Aero Shake, etc. on all taskbars.

    Figure 4. Multi-Monitor Taskbar.​

    Desktop Mirroring
    It allows you creating mirrors on your desktop. You can mirror area around the mouse pointer, arbitrary part of desktop, specified window or particular monitor. With Desktop Mirroring, you can solve many problems when working with multiple monitors. For example, use one monitor to mirror only necessary information to client.

    [​IMG]Figure 5. Desktop Mirroring.
    Desktop Management
    Actual Window Manager allows managing Screensaver and Background. You can set different wallpapers (or screensavers) on each monitor, one picture (screensaver) across all monitors and much more.

    Figure 6. Desktop Management.
    Easy Navigation
    There are two additional title buttons in Actual Window Manager to manage windows with work on multiple monitors - Move to next monitor (or monitor number #) and Maximize to Desktop (to all visible area).

    Virtual Desktop
    As a multi-tasking OS, Windows allows you running multiple programs simultaneously. As a result, you have a few windows open at any time. However, when working with lots of applications, your desktop can easily become overcrowded. Actual Window Manager will help you resolve this problem. You can allocate and classify all of your windows by moving them to virtual desktops.

    Virtual Desktops provides a "virtual" space as if you have several logical monitors instead of a single physical one. You can extend the real estate of the workspace and move a window from virtual desktop 1 to virtual desktop 2 etc. (the actual number of virtual desktops is not limited!). Actual Window Manager optimizes the work with several tasks and you get a quick access to all launched applications thus reducing the single-desktop clutter. It usually helps when work with one monitor, but in today's world, even with multiple monitors, you may not have enough space on one desktop at work with lots of windows and applications.

    Figure 7. Virtual Desktop.
    Transparency effect
    With Transparency effect, it is very easy to organize many windows opened simultaneously. Along with common techniques of switching between application windows, Actual Window Manager offers depth-based window ordering thanks to fully customizable transparency levels that can be saved individually for each window. For example, while typing something in MS Word, you need to follow information in the Internet browser window - just push Win-Y (it toggles the transparent effect on/off), and the Word window will become transparent allowing you view the contents of the underlying browser window.

    Figure 8. Transparency context menu.​

    More about Actual Window Manager:- https://www.actualtools.com/windowmanager/

    Actual Window Manager product includes all other Actual Tools programs in one seamless integrated program. Saves you 74% if you had purchased these separately!

    Actual Tools Products Feature Comparison Chart:- https://www.actualtools.com/products/comparison/

    Actual Window Manager Order & Pricing:- https://www.actualtools.com/windowmanager/order/

    About the giveaway:-

    I would like to thank my dear friend, Mr. Alexey Fadeyev for sponsoring this generous giveaway for our awesome forum members.:tankyou:

    Again, 5 x Lifetime Licenses of Actual Window Manager by Actual Tools for the giveaway.:v:

    Giveaway rules:-

    As always, simple rules. But please comment something that should indicate that you want to enter this competition. Not just thanks or other one word comments.
    Lastly, post anything about Actual Window Manager (usage scenario, your experience) to show your appreciation and love for it.

    Giveaway ends on February 20th, 2018.

    Good luck all. :good3:
  2. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    Nice one :good3:. Since i use a 4 monitor desktop environment i would like to test this software. Although Windows 10 is capable of managing multi-monitor quite well, it lacks some features which this software seems to offer.

    So please count me in.

    Thanks to A. Fadeyev and @whizkidraj for the kind offer.
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  3. Rafatolla

    Rafatolla MDL Novice

    Sep 28, 2012
    Very much like to have this to clean up the mess that is my current desktop. Looks very useful. Count me in.
  4. tqthtxt

    tqthtxt MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2017
    Since i use a 2 monitor desktop environment i had been used trail version of Actual Window Manager. This is good software
  5. fortunes

    fortunes MDL Novice

    Sep 17, 2015
    The Actual Window Manager with its virtual desktops could be useful for enhancing my workflow.

    Great giveaway to join. Count me in. Good luck to all participants.
  6. Ankit Mhatre

    Ankit Mhatre MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2018
    Thank you so much. Please count me in. All round tool for desktop management.
  7. sterchin

    sterchin MDL Member

    Mar 25, 2016
    Thanks to A. Fadeyev and @whizkidraj for the giveaway:worthy:

    Actual Window Manager is a multifunctional window manager for Microsoft Windows. It consists of more than 50 tools for organizing the desktop. Increases usability and productivity with any application.
  8. Nepoleon

    Nepoleon MDL Member

    Feb 21, 2016
    Thanks for the giveaway.

    It gives me an opportunity to use virtual desktops on all my monitors.
  9. Raur

    Raur MDL Member

    Oct 11, 2017
    Thanks to A. Fadeyev and @whizkidraj for the giveaway!

    I've been wanting to have a desktop organization application that meets my daily work needs. Actual Window Manager is the answer to the limitations of the OS environment which I am currently experiencing in terms of work multi-tasking. Would love to win a lifetime license. Count me in!
  10. grrgrr

    grrgrr MDL Member

    Oct 4, 2017
    thanks @whizkidraj for the giveaway.

    For the record I don't remember any other site had ever got giveaway for Actual Window Manager, but only 1 of the tools. Can't thank you enough Bro.

    I'm not new to Actual software. Long back I had used their Multiple Monitor and it was a great experience.

    In my current scenario, I use multiple softwares for works such as Multi-Monitor, Windows Rollup, Transparent Window, Windows Minimizer and Title Buttons.

    The set of Actual Tools will be of immense help to me to not only better manager my PC, work/private environment, but also increase my productivity.

    Having experienced the useful of Actual software, I can easily say that it is very useful and comes with features that best suits my needs. I hope that I emerge as a winner.

  11. Mohammadwasi7861

    Mohammadwasi7861 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 14, 2015
    Thank you so much for this very good giveaway I Hope to win this

    This is a very useful desktop organization for me. I use a free and old version paid software now to manage desktop and screens, but it lacks features. I want something better as multifunctional window manager, title buttons and windows menu to use.
  12. dhruvenjoy

    dhruvenjoy MDL Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    I like the following feature
    Desktop Mirroring
    It allows you creating mirrors on your desktop. You can mirror area around the mouse pointer, arbitrary part of desktop, specified window or particular monitor. With Desktop Mirroring, you can solve many problems when working with multiple monitors. For example, use one monitor to mirror only necessary information to client.
    Actual Window Manager increases productivity of a Personal Computer and consequently increases productivity of a person who works with it. Actual Window Manager decreases the time a person usually waste on switching between windows of different documents, keeps a desktop in order, increases productivity of work with two or more monitors and makes work convenient and comfortable. It can automate some routine window control operations so the user should not draw his/her attention away from some important idea to click the mouse to maximize a window, for example. This is quite useful software for multi monitor setup.
    Thanks for giveaway!!! Whizkidraj
  13. Ashwin

    Ashwin MDL Junior Member

    May 19, 2017
    Thanks for the giveaway.

    The usual Windows 10 doesn't provide any needed features such as Title buttons, Transperency, Roll-up or a Virtual Windows environment. It also lacks the features provided by Multi-Monitor. Being a blogger I'm in constant need to look for tools that not only help me in my work, but alsohelp increase productivity by keeping work & private environment separately. i'm confident that the set of tools provided in Actual Window Manager product will have a great positive impact on productivity, hence I would like to win it.
  14. tarekma7

    tarekma7 MDL Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway. Actual windows manager is a collection of 50 management tools that are of great help. The program lets you easily create the desired number of virtual desktops and increase workspace using the virtual desktops feature. Additionally, it offers fully-functional desktop and taskbar for multiple monitors. The large desktop or monitor can be divided into several tiles through the built-in divider tool. Most of program functions can be activated via hotkey.
  15. dudeluv

    dudeluv MDL Senior Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    I have 3 monitors that windows 10 manages and would love to win this giveaway. Reading what else this can do is a big bonus, Please count me in on this Giveaway
  16. love soft

    love soft MDL Novice

    Dec 16, 2016
    Actual Window Manager reduces the amount of time I often waste when switching between the windows of different documents
    Greatly improved my work efficiency
    This is really good for my job
    Hope to get
  17. bebondi

    bebondi MDL Member

    Apr 24, 2017
    Thanks a lot for this perfect giveaway @whizkidraj

    This software is perfect for what i need: working with multiple monitors for efficiently organise my work. I would be extremely happy if i win such a key for this very good software. It has powerful features and the Desktop Managament feature i like a lot.
    I hope i win a key for this.

    Many thanks,
  18. casoftware2

    casoftware2 MDL Novice

    Oct 18, 2016
    This software sounds like huge productivity boost to its users. Being able to place and access different software and windows across multi-window desktops more conveniently is a big plus. I am looking forward to a key of this.
  19. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    Interesting set of Tools, ffinally peaked my interest
    so here goes...

    thanks @whizkidraj and Actual Tools for the opportunity.
  20. dinosaur07

    dinosaur07 MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2016
    Many thanks for this very innovative giveaway @whizkidraj :worthy:

    I was looking around this software for a couple of years but never tried it until now giving the fact they giveawayed some keys for the all in one suite: Actual Window Manager. This software is quite useful in my daily activity as Desktop Mirroring & Virtual Desktop features look pretty good for me. The most useful for me is the minimize/maximize application windows upon their startup so please count me in for this giveaway please. Thanks, dino. :angel_not:
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