GUI Tools like WinNTSetup to customize and create Unanswer Win 10 Setups?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by crashnburn, Mar 10, 2022.

  1. crashnburn

    crashnburn MDL Addicted

    Mar 18, 2010
    GUI Tools like WinNTSetup to customize and create Unanswer Win 10 Setups?

    More keen Auto Unswered setup so that we dont have to manually enter all things during FIRST/ INITIAL BOOTs.

    Nice to Have:
    Nice to have some component disabling as well - Say Windows Defender and some degree of Updates blocking?

    I've used ImageX and DISM for /ApplyImages using scripts and setting up parameters in them.

    Have seen WinNTSetup.

    NT Lite / MSMG was for removing trimming stuff

    Optimize \-Offline Guide - seems to be for deep componenting - for this round of work - but if it has UI the cover my requirements, I'll take a look.

    I recall having come across others so do point me back :)

    I lose track of MDL stuff after months of being off :)