Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by moozillaaa, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. moozillaaa

    moozillaaa MDL Novice

    May 9, 2011
    Anybody ever done this before? The DVR is a older standard def model, and it's about to fail, so if I break it, no big deal. I've already replaced it with another identical DVR.

    Before I toss it, I hope to see if I can access the machine through the phone line port RJ-12, or the USB port (female hub), or maybe hardwire directly to the onboard chip, and plug in to another computer to get read/write access. Figure out what's wrong, maybe replace some parts, and use it as a networked media center server???

    Has anybody ever soldered a connector line to a chip to get read & write access to a chip in another computer?

    I found info on this process for this very machine, but the site is defunct - no help links. So I got a line soldered to the correct terminals, but how do I hook up to my computer? And what application will I use to read and write?

    Anybody know anything here?
  2. guardian1111

    guardian1111 MDL Novice

    May 18, 2010
    basically u need some JTAG emulator and probably some interface too.
  3. moozillaaa

    moozillaaa MDL Novice

    May 9, 2011


    Worst word in the English language.

    Basic reading shows that I got the JTAG hardwire connector started. And it shows that I'm asking what the application is (emulator) that I'll need to read & write.

    You just wasted some electrons. NOT very green... :nono3:

    Anybody help out here?