Has the time come?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by scaramonga, Jun 16, 2020.

  1. scaramonga

    scaramonga MDL Senior Member

    Oct 27, 2012
    ....to just install Windows 10 and not bother about anything?

    I'm getting a complete upgrade this week, and self building, which includes a lot of water cooling stuff, and I fear that this is going to be the easy part now.

    It's a terrifying thought, that I'm going to spoil it all by installing the dreaded OS, that is Win10.

    Any tips?, apart from Linux?
  2. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    Quite opposite my opinion, and experience.
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  3. awuctl

    awuctl MDL Member

    Jun 6, 2020
    It's not bad if you know how to use it and especially how to configure it.
    As long as you don't give in to those fanatics who destroy half of the OS just to stop updates for a day or destroy 99.9% of the OS just for ""more" "privacy"" you'll be fine.

    Browsing through the group policy editor (in applicable editions) and configuring all other parts of the system appropriately will give you enough control to make the system do pretty much exactly what you want; And without destroying it at that.

    It's a bad mindset to view Windows 10 immediately as complete trash that needs to be castrated and mutilated before it can work properly in the slightest.
    Just spend some time making it work instead of hating on it and you will definitely not regret it.

    If you want tips - just take some time with the settings and at the very least try to understand what you're doing.
    Browsing gpedit.msc and configuring system software is a beautiful and forgotten art that not many appreciate, since they prefer destroying s**t first and then complaining it doesn't work.

    Personally, I use Linux but that's for different reasons.
    Office and testing stuff in virtual machines are the only things that ever make me use Windows outside of work, but that doesn't mean it's bad.

    Good luck with Windows 10.
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  4. helfdane

    helfdane MDL Novice

    Nov 11, 2012
    #4 helfdane, Jun 16, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2020
    Regarding Windows updates:
    Stop and disable Windows 10 Update Service and disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates
    ::Run this file and after that, restart computer.
    :: Stop Windows Update Service: wuauserv
    START /WAIT sc stop wuauserv
    :: Disable Windows Update Service: wuauserv
    START /WAIT sc config wuauserv start=disabled
    :: Just in case the above command doesn't take effect
    REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv" /f /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "4"
    :: Stop Windows Update Medic Service: WaaSMedicSvc
    START /WAIT sc stop WaaSMedicSvc
    :: Disable Windows Update Medic Service: WaaSMedicSvc
    START /WAIT sc config WaaSMedicSvc start=disabled
    :: Just in case the above command doesn't take effect
    REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WaaSMedicSvc" /f /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "4"
    :: Disable Automatic Updates
    REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" /f /v "NoAutoUpdate" /t REG_DWORD /d "1"
    :: Disable "Keep my computer up to date" in Automatic Updates
    REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" /f /v "AUOptions" /t REG_DWORD /d "1"
    Save the code in cmd file. Restart computer after you run the cmd file.
    If you want to reset Windows Updates to default:
    Reset Windows 10 Update Service and Windows 10 Automatic Updates
    ::Run this file and after that, restart computer.
    :: Reset Windows Update Service: wuauserv
    START /WAIT sc config wuauserv start=manual
    :: Just in case the above command doesn't take effect
    REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "3" /f
    :: Reset Windows Update Medic Service: WaaSMedicSvc
    START /WAIT sc config WaaSMedicSvc start=manual
    :: Just in case the above command doesn't take effect
    REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WaaSMedicSvc" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "3" /f
    :: Reset Windows 10 Automatic Updates
    REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /f
    Save the code in cmd file. Restart computer after you run the cmd file.
    Regarding Telemetry: use O&O ShutUp

    Windows Updates and Telemetry should be disabled immediately after Windows 10 installation it's done and restart computer after that. In case you need to update or install features, reset Windows Updates, restart computer...
    I tested the above in Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Build 19041.208, fresh install.
    I used WinToolkit_1.7.0.15 german to remove unnecessary images from install.wim and after that I removed Windows Defender and Microsoft OneDrive packages from the remaining image.
  5. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    Why do you have to force such things on a person by methods of force.
    Let the person first see what is what and how something works.
    Maybe you read that he/she comes from Linux?
    This is not a good deed that you recommend to do. It is a crime to give such an orders that someone should do.
    Offer it when prompted.
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  6. iota

    iota MDL Junior Member

    Aug 13, 2014
    #6 iota, Jun 16, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2020
    maybe i give slightly different perspective.

    even though i dislike windows 10, it's still possible to fix most things, and yes, botching the o.s. is not required, just using group policy editor and other things. although knowing what to do helps a lot.

    fixing win10 is possible ,but fixing android is nightmarish project. i'm more terrified what googoo corporations is doing with android than microsoft with windows 10. many cases fixing average stock android is just not possible. i have completely lost trust on googoo corporation.

    in windows 10 world, i would say that win10 starting to be only choice because it's the only one getting updates (although win8.1 will get some security updates for some time).

    edited slightly, removed "10".
  7. Hal2000

    Hal2000 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 26, 2014
    Why chose ? Install win 7 first then win 10. You then have a multi boot, play with both or even have a third ,maybe a second different version of 10.
  8. helfdane

    helfdane MDL Novice

    Nov 11, 2012
    What orders/force? I wrote a method with instructions, in case the user want to disable Windows Updates, telemetry etc.
  9. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    Really? Put W7 on current new hardware, that is totally insane advice!
  10. Hal2000

    Hal2000 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 26, 2014
    The choice is up to the O.P. Nothing wrong with it if he wants it and if it works.we are all a little insane these days.