Help needed

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by rip1, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. rip1

    rip1 MDL Novice

    Mar 3, 2011
    #1 rip1, Mar 3, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2011
    Very Very interesting forum. Im pleased to have found. I've been doing alot of reading and I mean alot. Im interested in creating a custom version of x64 XP sp2 to suit my needs to the T.

    First I plan to test out a couple of versions of premade os's but before I do that, I need to have a bootable disc of my current os on hand and ready to install just in case I need to revert back (better safe than sorry).

    Im completely new to this area of software modding or whatever you'd call it, so Id like to ask for help in making a bootable copy of my current os.

    Rundown -

    My pc is a Hp Pavilion Slimline, Model S3127c. Comes with AMD 64 LIVE processor (dual core).
    Current (and factory might I add) operating system is Windows Vista Home Premium x86, its updated to SP2.
    My HD has 8gb partitioned out as recovery, the recovery is Vista Home Premium x86 with no service pack.
    The main reason I wanna update is I wanna take advantage of the dual core and Im in love with speed and functionality, and vista is a hogmally when it comes to such + I really like Xp..
    This is why I am choosing to go with XP 64x for the new Os (for now).


    Ive read alot, learned a bunch in a few hours. But im really not comfortable at the moment creating my own bootable re-install disc with yalls methods, I mean Im *NOT a pc newbie by a long shot, this s**t is just ALOT to take in at once and it seems to have alot of room for error.. Especially when the OEM stuffs specified for my software didn't contain the drivers/images/ect ect.. Im not sure how the heck to do all that and inject into the final iso.

    Id like some help.. Im willing to fork out 5-10$ via whatever payment method you got that accepts CC (like alert pay or paypal) to get me what I need today. Im willing to get teamviewer and you can do this all on my pc, (it'll be faster that way anyhow Id imagine).

    Someone with some rep/experience/skills/will please contact me ASAP. Id really like to get this in motion today.

    Preciate you