i would start with running some online av; they usually find pups like toolbars. [or run malwarebytes offline. in safe mode if necessary.]
I asked similar questions about shellstyle in Windows 8 section with no replies. Amazing how you get A class support when you post in Windows 10 section.
i sincerly never noticed your post! Maybe it's just because Windows 8 threads have less activity and don't show up in main page as for Windows 10 topics. i'm mostly checking new posts only + i'm not here all the time + i don't have an "all-seeing-eye" to spot on every thread here, so i could perfectly miss your post. This have nothing to do with Windows versions preferences! i've deleted that post, so please remove reference to it in your over quote.
I posted in the scripting section but meh it's Windows 10 so it must be better in every way because newer=better And why did you remove your post, it explained the issue perfectly ??