[Hint] How to make System Manintenance resistant to interruption by user input

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by moderate, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    If you don't like the default behavior, where system maintenance is always interrupted, when you touch keyboard or mouse, here is guide how to make it permanent (so how to do only one pass during the day):

    1. Run Task Scheduler by executing: "taskschd.msc"
    2. Navigate to: Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > TaskScheduler
    3. Edit: "Regular Maintenance", Uncheck in "Conditions" tab: "Run task after inactivity time"
    4. Edit: "Idle Maintenance", Uncheck in "Conditions" tab: "Stop if inactivity is gone"