School has office 2010 installed on the computer. Can I get the product key out and use it on my home computer? if yes, what version of office 2010 should I download? thanks
Thank you. So what version of office 2010 should I download in order to activate the office with the product key I got from school computer? Volume one?
First, this post belong in the Application section of this forum, and not Windows 7 forum. Second, you have to find out what kind of key you have, use CMD go to your Office 14 installation folder: cd c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\ then type: cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus If it's says RETAIL, you download RETAIL, if it says anything else, you download that. MS has a Academic version, so if it that you have, you has to download the Academic version, and I have not seen that around here.
I have volume Professional Plus activated by MAK key and it still says: --------------------------------------------------------- SKU ID: fdf3ecb9-b56f-43b2-a9b8-1b48b6bae1a7 LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeProPlus-MAK edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, RETAIL channel LICENSE STATUS: ---LICENSED--- ERROR CODE: 0 as licensed Last 5 characters of installed product key: **** --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- If they activate those computers by KMS server, you won't get the key from those. But if it say MAK edition, you will have a nice MAK key.
This is what I got from school, so what version of office I should download? SKU ID: 6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeProPlus-KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LICENSE STATUS: ---OOB_GRACE--- ERROR CODE: 0x4004F00C ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid grace period. Last 5 characters of installed product key: H3GVB REMAINING GRACE: 16 days (22849 minute(s) before expiring) ---------------------------------------
If your school has pro plus volume and you have it at home then they both have same key and it's pre-installed so just use KMS activation and you can activate at home. The key is generic to all pro plus volume copies
wtf is a SIW ........ why do we need to buy a paid tool when we already have free tools such as produkey to do so?
Because the app is used for more than just finding keys, ginzon just mentioned that it can be used to find key didn't say that's all it was used for.
Its an all in one tool.. You may find something interesting in it.. Not only office but you'll be able to see many other keys from it...