I used to have a USB Flash that I could slide which would lock it from writes. I can't seem to find it, but the problem I am having is that my anti-virus seems to munch them all up. Even if I rename them to something that sounds innocent enough, it still detects what it is when I try to run it. Have any of you ever considered this a "problem" for you and how did you fix it ? I have a hard time even moving them from place to place without anti-vir getting involved. I know I can say specific directories are exempt from "scans" and even some of them let you turn off live detection. Anyone find a way to save some of your favorite toys from the evil anti-virus muncher?
You have to train AV with your exception list. I use avira free and no more munching after avira knows to ignore it...lol
All depends on what anivirus you arew running. If they have been moved to a vault - go and allow them and they will be ignored. Or change your settings with Antivirus to exculde the folder/files... Or pop them onto a dvd/CD (re-writable if you like) - they are not then deleted
make the keygen a rar or a zip.... Anti-virus doesn't access the ziped or imaged file on it's own....