How Microsoft Restricted Sideloading on Win 8 - Still an issue or circumvented?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by crashnburn, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. crashnburn

    crashnburn MDL Addicted

    Mar 18, 2010
  2. crashnburn

    crashnburn MDL Addicted

    Mar 18, 2010
    Is this article and its concern valid?
  3. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    What's made Windows great over the years is the open architecture developer model. To understand why Microsoft will always be the preferred platform (IMHO), you have to go through Apples' development cycle.

    To develop on Apple IOS, you have to buy a developer certificate (typically $100 USD for personal and up to $250 USD for a corporation -per year-) You can test your code on an IOS emulator, but to send it to a device, you need
    that certificate. (Yes, you can "jailbreak" your IOS device, but you won't be able to download apps from their store, and the next OS update will probably break the jailbreak).

    Adding insult to injury, you have to wait until your app is "approved" before it is allowed to be featured in the Apple store.

    This can take up to 6 months. :eek:

    On top of that, you have to pay Apple 33 percent of your gross profits. Yes, they do credit card processing for you, but IMHO there are better (and cheaper) solutions available.

    For an Apple computer, you can use the GNU tools (The OS is a variant of UNIX) and bypass Apples store stuff, but for mobile devices, you're stuck with them.

    Now compare that to Windows or Android. Anyone can develop for Android, as the development tools are free. The cost of online financial processing is minimized (You can use PayPal or your own banking scheme to handle payment)

    So, Microsoft is saying that they are adopting the Android way. IMHO, it's because they realize that the Apple way is just too restrictive for developers to use. And, if you're trying to seize a market, there's no sense in hobbling yourself.

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