I use a hosted network to share a Wi-Fi internet connection, This is how I start the hosted network: From the command prompt "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=SSID key=SomeKey" Then "netsh wlan start hostednetwork". The thing is that I have two Wi-Fi interfaces, one internal laptop adapter, and an external USB adapter that the internet connection is on. Both interfaces support hosted networks. When the hosted network starts on the internal adapter, the connection is stable, but on the other hand, when it starts on the external adapter it disconnects frequently and sometimes clients refuse to connect. I don't seem to be able to recognize a pattern of how Windows chooses the adapter to host on, so is there a way to perform that manually?
I've discovered that I can make the hosted network while the USB Wi-Fi adapter is removed, this forces the network to be hosted on the internal one, so that kind of solved my problem, but there really should be a cleaner solution.
If you have more than one NIC you need to use the 'name' parameter in your 'netsh' command. This info from TechNet should help. [name=] InterfaceName Required. Specifies the name of the interface for which you want to add information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").