windows update downloaded a driver i already extacted driver with Code: DISM.exe /Online /Export-Driver /Destination:%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Downloads\Drivers how could i conver this driver to .exe file. ist nvidia driver and i want to use it with nvcleanstall.
You've exported the bare .inf. Isn't it as clean as you can get it? If you wanted to build a clean .exe, do it from the source .exe...
it iinstall other stuff like 3dview ect. i am using the latest i can run on my PC wich is 3.50.65 but with this version terminal, snipping tool, store crashes. just tried the one windows update provides and its working. so i wonder if there was a way to convert it to .exe and use nvcleanstall. besides i think i need optimus and i dont think this version have it.. not sure if by adding the optimus folder and crate a new .exe driver would work. 3.8216