found a guide that on windows 7 you could either stopped or have it run once daily. on task scheduler to look for RAC but it doesnt show on windows 10. maybe has a new name.?
@raptorddd Hi, On Windows 10 is Windows Reability Analysis, located here : C:\Windows\system32\RacAgent.exe You can create rule with which firewall you want : Direction>outbound set to Deny Protocol>TCP/UDP Started From>explorer.exe, scvHost.exe, services.exe
hi thank you for your help. i could not find racagent.exe.??? on that directory. c;windows system 32/ racagent.exe i think on pic only a .dll file has that name. i have to create new rule in here.? would you mind telling steps please.
@raptorddd Hum, better you go to control panel, then troubleshooting, in right pane choose change settings and deactivate and untick. Go to Tasksheduler and deactivate both Windows>Diagnosis Tasks. On my windows LTSC, Ractask and RacAgent doesn't exist. In the outbound rules of Windows firewall, you also have a rule that you can block, am not english but the rule could be "customers solved problem"