! IMPORTANT NOTICE ! IMPORTANT NOTICE ! IMPORTANT NOTICE ! IMPORTANT NOTICE ! After careful consideration and because there are many other useful tools for Office install, I make the following announcement: I'm resigning from OfficeRTool development for health/personal reasons (don't ask). Responsibility for "Office(R)Tool Project" development was passed to Dark Dinosaur. Follow him in his new thread: -> https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/office-r-tool-project.84450/ ===================================================================== Office 2016 (and 365) / Project and Visio Installation- and Activation Instructions - See the "HowTo" below and read following posts #3 to #6 for further important info - - There you will find answers to many already asked questions and problem solutions - =================================================== Office(R)Tool Public Beta-Test running -> Download -> here =================================================== Testing, error reporting and other comments much appreciated! But to keep this thread clean and overseeable, please avoid general "Great", "Thank You" and "It works" posts! Dark Dinosaur is more interested in bugs and functionality comments. If you want to show some gratitude, then use the "Like"-button in lower right corner of OP on 1st page in his thread.In case you are worried about your genuine Windows-license and Windows- (or any other MS-product)-activation: Office(R)Tool was designed for Office activation only. It won't touch Windows. You can use Office(R)Tool safely. Just download, install, convert and KMS-activate Office (D.I.C.K.). Windows activation will always stay the same.Be sure, to use only the newest Office(R)Tool release to benefit from improvements and error corrections. "Support" is always based on the latest version by Dark Dinosaur. Link to Beta-Version (see above) is always uptodate. Code: HowTo use OfficeRTool (Version 2021/June/22 - latest "ratzlefatz" version) Newest Office(R)Tool is supported on -> https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/office-r-tool-project.84450/ To skip check for new Office builds, start OfficeRTool.cmd with command-line parameter "-NRC. See properties in example Shortcut-Link file "OfficeRTool (no release check -NRC)". Standard (and mandatory) install steps are: D.)ownload, I.)nstall, C.)onvert retail to volume and K.)MS activation as last step ( = D. I. C. K. ) Chapters: D1./I.) OFFICE OFFLINE MANUAL DOWNLOAD AND SETUP (The sophisticated, professional way) D2./I.) OFFICE ONLINE WEB-SETUP (The very easy way - Online Web Installation) C.) CONVERT OFFICE, VISIO AND PROJECT TO VOLUME K.) START KMS ACTIVATION / SHOW CURRENT ACTIVATION STATUS - WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF ERRORS - SWITCH DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL / MANUALLY START UPDATE TO GET A NEWER VERSION - DISABLE ACQUISITION AND SENDING OF TELEMETRY DATA D1.) OFFICE OFFLINE MANUAL DOWNLOAD AND SETUP In OfficeRTool "Main-Menu" press (D) DOWNLOAD OFFICE OFFLINE INSTALL PACKAGE Default, preset values are shown. At start, config variables for "download path"," language" and "architecture" are read from OfficeRTool.ini file. Config variables for "Office Channel-ID" and "Office -Build" are always "not set" as default. Follow the next steps (if shown, quotes "" are not to be entered, omit them!) You can always break and return to Main Menu by entering "X" at most "Set ..…" selections. Set new Office Package download path or press return for DownloadPath="not set" >c:\test (drive is mandatory! and folder is optional) Office install package download path changed (only shown, when download path changed!) old path "not set" -- new path "c:\test" Save new path to OfficeRTool.ini? (1/0) > (only shown, when download path changed!) Enter 1 for permanent save or 0 to skip saving new download location. Hint: 0 (no save) is preselected. Will be used by simply pressing return. Next, possible Download channel lists are shown. "Public known" standard distribution channels Channel Name - Internal Naming Index-# ___________________________________________________________________________ Current (Retail/RTM) - (Production::CC) (1) CurrentPreview (Office Insider SLOW) - (Insiders::CC) (2) BetaChannel (Office Insider FAST) - (Insiders::DEVMAIN) (3) MonthlyEnterprise - (Production::MEC) (4) SemiAnnual (Business) - (Production::DC) (5) SemiAnnualPreview (Business Insider) - (Insiders::FRDC) (6) PerpetualVL2019 - (Production:LTSC) (7) PerpetualVL2021 - (Production:LTSC2021) (8) Manual_Override (set identifier for Channel-ID's not public known) (M) Exit to Main Menu (X) Set Channel-Index-# (1,2,3,4,5,6,M) or X >1 Choose Index-# of one of the standard channels. "Current" channel is always the best for most users. "BetaChannel" = "Insider FAST" channel is best for all who want to get the newest features, but this contains risk of getting not well tested/unstable functions. If you want to use some of the Microsoft internal test- and developer-channels, then enter "m". Set Channel-Index-# (1,2,3,4,5,6,M) or X >m Choose Index-# of one of the "Internal Use Only" channels." Dogfood::DevMain" channel is the most uptodate channel. But it contains the risk of getting pre-alpha, not well tested functions. For unknown channels you can enter full hex Channel-ID instead the index-#. "Microsoft Internal Use Only" Beta/Testing distribution channels Internal Naming Channel-ID: Index-# ___________________________________________________________________________ Dogfood::DevMain ----> ea4a4090-de26-49d7-93c1-91bff9e53fc3 (1) Dogfood::CC ----> f3260cf1-a92c-4c75-b02e-d64c0a86a968 (2) Dogfood::DCEXT ----> c4a7726f-06ea-48e2-a13a-9d78849eb706 (3) Dogfood::FRDC ----> 834504cc-dc55-4c6d-9e71-e024d0253f6d (4) Microsoft::CC ----> 5462eee5-1e97-495b-9370-853cd873bb07 (5) Microsoft::DC ----> f4f024c8-d611-4748-a7e0-02b6e754c0fe (6) Microsoft::DevMain ----> b61285dd-d9f7-41f2-9757-8f61cba4e9c8 (7) Microsoft::FRDC ----> 9a3b7ff2-58ed-40fd-add5-1e5158059d1c (8) Microsoft::LTSC2021 ----> 86752282-5841-4120-ac80-db03ae6b5fdb (9) Production::LTSC ----> f2e724c1-748f-4b47-8fb8-8e0d210e9208 (A) Insiders::LTSC ----> 2e148de9-61c8-4051-b103-4af54baffbb4 (B) Insiders::LTSC2021 ----> 12f4f6ad-fdea-4d2a-a90f-17496cc19a48 (C) Insiders::MEC ----> 0002c1ba-b76b-4af9-b1ee-ae2ad587371f (D) Exit to Main Menu (X) Set Channel (enter Channel-ID or Index-#) > Set Office build > Manually enter an Office build string such as 16.0.major-version.minor-version, for example 16.0.6001.1041 or simply press (return) for preselected latest available build. Set language > Enter Office GUI language-id from possible VALUES list exactly as shown in "lower-UPPER" case or press (return) for preselected "en-US" Enter 1 for a permanent save of changed language to OfficeRTool.ini or 0 to skip saving new language change. Hint: 0 (no save) is preselected. Will be used by simply pressing return. Set architecture > enter "x86" to download 32bit Office or enter "x64" for 64bit Office setup-files. Enter 1 for a permanent save of changed architecture to OfficeRTool.ini or 0 to skip saving new architecture change. Hint: 0 (no save) is preselected. Will be used by simply pressing return. Now a summary of all selected download settings is shown. Check for correct values. Start download now (1/0)? > Enter "1" to start the download, enter "0" to abort or any other key to go back to top, review and change download parameters. Office download starts and files are being downloaded. Be patient! This will take some time until all install files (~ 2 GB) are completely fetched (this depends on connection speed and responsiveness of Microsofts content delivery servers) Watch progress bars and look for any errors (such as error 404 or 502). If any errors occur, text color changes to red and you are asked: Cancel download now? (1/0) ^> Enter "1" = "YES" to Cancel/Abort download or enter "0" = "NO" to Continue/do not cancel the download. But be warned: If you continue and the error persists, download is incomplete and setup will surely fail because of missing files. After download is completed, "Main Menu" is shown again. (I) INSTALL OFFICE SUITES OR SINGLE APPS Hint: by pressing (return) default values (all Apps are de-selected = "0", en-US, x86) will be used. You can always break and return to Main Menu by entering "X" at most "Set ..…" selections. Set Office Package Download Path > Enter "drive:\folder" exactly the same you used as "Downloadpath" in step (D) DOWNLOAD OFFICE OFFLINE INSTALL PACKAGE If valid Office package was found, the following will be shown (example): List of available installation packages: 1 16.0.8326.2107_en-US_x86_Monthly_Channel 2 16.0.8530.1000_en-US_x64_Insider_Channel 3 16.0.8431.2079_fr-FR_x64_Monthly_Channel_Targeted 4 16.0.8201.2193_de-DE_x86_Semi_Annual_Channel 5 16.0.8431.2079_pt-PT_x86_Semi_Annual_Channel_Targeted If you have renamed default "16.0.xxxx.yyyy_package_"-foldername, then no packages are found. This is working as designed, because as default OfficeRTool searches for "16.0" as part of the foldername. In this case you must enter a new search pattern to find them. Howto-Example see here. Enter search pattern or enter x to abort ^> Any entered string or character is used to find changed foldername and the package list is shown. Enter package number # > From list enter the number of the package that you want to install, 0 to change search-pattern or X to abort. Attention: If you are using x86/32bit Windows, you can't select a x64/64bit Office setup-package for install. Please choose x86/32bit setup-package to be able to continue with install. Select the engine for installing Office. Default engine is "ODT Setup.exe". But this one has some restrictions (ex. no Office 2019 install on Windows 7,8). If you want to install Office 2019 on Win7, 8 use "C" for OfficeClickToRun.exe. One limitation exists: Install of Office 32bit on Windows 7,8 64bit is not possible with OfficeClickToRun.exe. You must use 32bit Office on Windows 32bit and Office 64bit on Windows 64bit or take default engine "ODT Setup.exe". Set Installmethod (OfficeClickToRun.exe = C or ODT Setup.exe = S) > Enter "C" or "S", "X" to abort. Then you must decide which Office software products to install: Select full Office Suite for install: 1.) Office 2016 ProfessionalPlus 2.) Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise 3.) Microsoft 365 Apps for Business 4.) Office 2016 Mondo 5.) Office 2019 ProfessionalPlus 6.) Office 2021 Professional Plus 7.) Visio 2016 / Project 2016 8.) Visio 2019 / Project 2019 9.) Visio 2021 / Project 202 0.) Single Apps Install (no full suite) Enter 1..9,0 or x to exit > Select one of the offered Office Full Suites or select "0" if you don't want Full Suite and you want to install separate, standalone Office Single Apps. Entering "x" aborts and takes you back to Main Menu. After Suite has been selected, "Exclusion List" follows as next step. "Exclusion List" (for adjusting Office Full Suites installation by omitting not needed programs) Here you can individually select if Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Publisher, OneNote, Teams and Skype for Business or OneDrive for Business are excluded/disabled and will be not installed. Full Suite Install Exclusion List - Disable not needed Office App Disable Word Install (1/0) >0 If "1" is entered, then the App (here: Word) is disabled and won't be installed. "0" enables the App installation. As "0" is pre-selected, you can step through the Exclusion List by pressing <return>. This results in a complete install of the Professional Plus Suite ( = all Apps being enabled ). If a full Suite (ProPlus, Standard, Mondo) was selected, then SingleApps-Installation is skipped and you are guided direct to Project and Visio selection. If Mondo was selected, then Project and Visio install is skipped as both Apps are already included in Mondo Grande Suite. SINGLE APPS INSTALLATION If no Office Suite was chosen, then Single Apps ‘0’ selection is shown. Here you can select which single Office Programs shall be installed as standalone, separate app. First you must select which Office version you want. Which "version" for Single App to install (1=2016, 2=2019, 3=2021) ^> Enter "1" for using "Office 2016 SingleApps", "2" for "Office 2019 SingleApps" or "3" for "Office 2021 SingleApps" install. A list with all available 2016/2019/2021 Single Apps will be shown, beginning with Word: Set Word Single App Install (1/0) > Set Excel Single App Install (1/0) > Set Powerpoint Single App Install (1/0) > Set Access Single App Install (1/0) > Set Outlook Single App Install (1/0) > Set Publisher Single App Install (1/0) > Set OneNote Single App Install (1/0) > Set Skype For Business Single App Install (1/0) > - Enter "1" = shall be installed - Enter "0" = shall be not installed - Enter “X” = abort, return to main menu All individual Single App combinations are allowed. For example Word=1, Outlook=1 and the rest=0 will install Word and Outlook, nothing more. Afterwards you can add Project and Visio if you want and install all together in one run. Install Project Professional and Visio Professional (2016/2019/2021) as separate products Set Project 2016 Install (1/0) > Set Visio 2016 Install (1/0) > Set Project 2019 Install (1/0) > Shown when Office 2019 product install was selected Set Visio 2019 Install (1/0) > Shown when Office 2019 product install was selected Set Project 2021 Install (1/0) > Shown when Office 2021 product install was selected Set Visio 2021 Install (1/0) > Shown when Office 2021 product install was selected - Enter "1" = shall be installed - Enter "0" = shall be not installed - Enter “X” = abort, return to main menu Architecture: "x86" or "x64" is detected from downloaded package. This is preselected / fixed and cannot be changed, because it must match the architecture files of the downloaded install package. Language: "xx-YY" Language-ID is detected from downloaded package. This is preselected / fixed and cannot be changed, because it must match the language of the downloaded install package. Now a summary of the pending Install is displayed. Check for correct values. Start local install now (1/0) or Create Install Package (C) ?> - "1" : Starts setup immediatedly / Selected Office Software Products are installed on local system - "0" : Abort and redo setup / Go back to top and choose new install parameters - "X" : Abort and go to Main Menu - "Any other key": Go to top, review and change install configuration - "C" : Creates "setup.exe", "configure32/64.xml" and a "start_setup.cmd" The entered setup data are used. No setup is started. Builds an Offline Setup Package without the need to install first. You can create a different Install package without reloading by simply going through setup menu and creating another configuration.xml file based on selected items. D2.) Office ONLINE WEB-SETUP In OfficeRTool "Main-Menu" press (O) CREATE OFFICE ONLINE WEB-INSTALLER LINK Office, Visio, Project must be installed separately. You must repeat all steps for every software part you want to install. Hint: by pressing (return) default values (all Apps de-selected = "0", en-US; x86) will be used. Office, Project or Visio Install (only 1 Software Product is allowed): - Enter "1" = shall be installed - Enter "0" = shall be not installed If no selection is made, then you are returned to Main Menu. Set Architecture to install > (not shown on 32bit/x86 only Windows!) - enter "x64" for 64bit Office version or press (enter) to use preselected 32bit "x86" Set language > - Enter Office GUI language-id from possible VALUES list exactly like shown in "lower-UPPER" case or press (return) for preselected "en-US" Start Online WEB install now (1/0)? - "1" : Starts WebBrowser and downloads Online websetup.exe file - "0" : Aborts setup / Go back to menu "OFFICE DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL" - "Any other key": Go to top, review and change Download configuration After confirming "Start Online WEB install now" your Web-Browser is started and download of web- install.exe file is initiated. Save the offered .exe file (~3 MB) to your harddisk and start it afterwards. This will initiate web-online setup on your local system. Install files (~1 GB) are now going to be downloaded in the background and installed. Normal installation times are 25-30 Mins (for downloading startup.exe and completing setup). This heavily depends on your hardware, internet connection speed and the responsiveness of Microsoft delivery servers. Most times MS is responsible if progress is very slow. C.)ONVERT RETAIL OFFICE / SINGLE APPS, PROJECT, AND VISIO TO VOLUME (Mandatory and important step! - Must always be done! - Do not miss this!) In OfficeRTool "Main-Menu" press (C) CONVERT OFFICE RETAIL TO VOLUME - Check status summary if all installed Office Applications were found If ok, then Press Any Key to continue The Conversion process begins... - If interfering Office Evaluation-/Trial-or Grace-Keys are found, they are being removed. - VL_KMS-License files for installed Office Applications are copied and installed - Windows 10 Insider test versions block Office KMS activation. If W10 Insider was found, a workaround (deleting and recreating license file "tokens.dat" is used to ensure KMS will work. - Matching GVLK product keys are installed Watch process and check for any errors. After successful Retail2VL-conversion you can use your favourite KMS solution (such as the Microsoft Toolkit and /or KMS_VL_ALL) to activate all Office applications. Or you proceed straight to step 4.) and use OfficeRTool's own internal KMS-server (VLMCSD) to activate. K.) START KMS ACTIVATION / SHOW CURRENT ACTIVATION STATUS Prerequisites: ‘Native Volume’ Office License installed or ‘(C)onverted Retail Office to Volume’ (see above step C.) In OfficeRTool "Main-Menue" press (K) START KMS ACTIVATION Remember: You always can break and return to Main Menu by entering "X" at "Use..…" selections. Use built-in OfficeRTool KMS server (1/0)? - "1" : Internal OfficeRTool-KMS server ( VLMCSD from hotbird64) is used (recommended!!) No further input is needed. All values are preselected for successful activation. - "0" : Use OTHER KMS server (running local or on external LAN/WAN) - (for the experts only) Additional setup is needed. Use (E)xternal KMS on WAN/LAN or other (L)ocal KMS server (E/L)? > -"E/e": External KMS server on other system in WAN/Internet or LAN is used -"L/l": Other internal KMS server (such as MTK- or other KMS-service) on local system is used Set KMS host IP > enter KMS-server's IP-address or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) Set KMS host PORT > enter KMS-server's Port-number (standard port 1688 is preselected) KMS-Activation process begins... If Windows 10 Defender Antivirus is active and running, OfficeRTool temporarily adds all needed KMS activation files to Defender exclusion list. If activation finishes, these exclusions are removed. All detected/found Office Volume License Applications are activated. Watch process and check for any errors. In case of activation errors look here and here. You can check KMS Office license status after successful (or unsuccessful) KMS activation or if you are just interested how long KMS license will last from now on. In OfficeRTool "Main-Menu" press (A) SHOW CURRENT ACTIVATION STATUS All installed Office App(s) and their Build-/Version number, the remaining KMS license period (in days), license activation expiry date and active update channel-id are shown. - WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF ERRORS Mostly errors are based on mixture of Office versions and / or incomplete removal of Office components. For support goto MDL-thread (HOW-TO/SUPPORT/CHAT) OFFICE C2R Download/Install/Activation or see MDL-post "Installation Tips / Special Cases Treatment" To completely remove Office see MDL-post "Causes for Office install / activation errors" - SWITCH DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL / UPDATE OFFICE TO A NEWER VERSION In OfficeRTool "Main-Menu" press (U) CHANGE OFFICE UPDATE-PATH (SWITCH DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL) Installed Office Product, Version-/Build-#, Update-Path and Group-Policy Update-Branch are shown. You can now change configuration to use a different Office Distribution-Channel. This is useful if you have "Monthly Channel (Retail/RTM)" active and want to use "Insider Channel (Insider FAST) to test new features. Or in case of problems with new version you can downgrade your installed Office to an older version available in this channel. 1 = Current (Retail/RTM) 2 = CurrentPreview (Office Insider SLOW) 3 = BetaChannel (Office Insider FAST) 4 = PerpetualVL2021 (Office 2021) 5 = MonthlyEnterprise 6 = SemiAnnual (Business) 7 = SemiAnnualPreview (Business Insider) 8 = DogfoodDevMain (MS Internal Use Only) X = exit to Main Menu Set New Update-Channel-ID (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) or X >1 Select the distribution channel you want to use (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) or X to exit to Main-Menu. To "downgrade" (go back to prior version) just use the same distribution channel your Office was downloaded and installed from. Then enter required target version-/build-number. The following input dialogue presents 2 Office builds. These are the build-numbers from newest Office build and 1 build before (prior build). Of course any other known valid build numbers from the selected distribution-channel are accepted and can be used. Manually enter any build-nummer such as 16.0.8730.2165 (prior build) or simply press return for updating to: 16.0.8730.2175 (newest build) Set Office update build > (Ex.: return was pressed without input) Example output after confirming input: ____________________________________________________________________________ New Update-Configuration will be set to: Distribution-Channel : Monthly_Channel (Retail/RTM) Update To Version : newest available Change Configuration and start download of new Office version (1/0)? > After entering "1" changes are set and you are returned to OfficeRTool Main Menu. Meanwhile download and setup of the new/changed Office version is starting in the background. Entering "0" takes you back to "Change Office Update Path-Menu". If Update-Error window "Something is wrong" is shown, then you have entered a wrong combination of Distribution-Channel and Office-Build-Number. Error means "Build not found". - DISABLE ACQUISITION AND SENDING OF TELEMETRY DATA Preventing Office 2016 / 2019 / 2021 from phoning home and preserve personal privacy. In OfficeRTool "Main-Menu" press (T) DISABLE ACQUISITION AND SENDING OF TELEMETRY DATA This will adjust / correct all known Telemetry related Registry Switches, Group Policy Rules and Scheduled Tasks. All changes are based on information from Office 2016 Telemetry thread on MDL forum. ATTENTION: This must be repeated after every update / setup, as there is always a risk that keys are reset back to standard "phone home" values! (E) END - STOP AND LEAVE PROGRAM This is obvious J
- Easy Office- / Project- / Visio-Activation Instructions - Needed steps: - Download latest KMS*VL*ALL version, extract and execute "ACTIVATE.cmd" resp. "KMS_VL_ALL.cmd". KMS*VL*ALL searches for installed Office 2016 Professional, Project 2016, Visio 2016, inserts the corresponding GeneralVolumeLicenseKeys (GVLK) and activates them using its internal KMS server solution. KMS_VL_ALL (by abbodi1406, consistently maintained, perfectly up-to-date) KMS-VL-ALL (by qewlpal, sporadically maintained and slightly outdated) Small and neat script-files for manual activation of most popular Windows and Office versions. Suited for beginners, because its fully automatic and normally no further interaction is needed. Prerequisites: Office 2016/2019, Project 2016/2019 and/or Visio 2016/2019 are already installed and converted to Volume by inserting Volume License certificate files. Sample conversion code look in spoilers below. Much better than 'manual conversion' below: Use automated conversion script (C2R-R2V) from abbodi1406. or Use OfficeRTool's builtin "(C) Convert Retail to Volume" and "(K) KMS activation" functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Manual conversion (Office 2016 sample script): OS=64bit / Office=32bit - Copy/paste in TextEditor, save as "Retail2VL.cmd" and execute: Spoiler Code: @echo off :ADMIN openfiles >nul 2>nul ||( echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" >nul 2>&1 goto:eof ) del /f /q "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" >nul 2>nul for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set win=%%G pushd "%~dp0" Title Office 2016 Retail to Volume License Converter echo Press Enter to start VL-Conversion... echo. pause echo. cd /D "%SystemRoot%\System32" if %win% GEQ 9200 ( cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-bridge-office.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-root.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-root-bridge-test.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-stil.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-ul.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-ul-oob.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms ) if %win% LSS 9200 ( cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-bridge-office.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-root.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-root-bridge-test.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-stil.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-ul.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-ul-oob.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms ) echo. echo Retail to Volume License conversion finished. echo. pause ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OS=64bit / Office=64bit or OS=32bit / Office=32bit - Copy/paste in TextEditor, save as "Retail2VL.cmd" and execute: Spoiler Code: @echo off :ADMIN openfiles >nul 2>nul ||( echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" >nul 2>&1 goto:eof ) del /f /q "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" >nul 2>nul for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set win=%%G pushd "%~dp0" Title Office 2016 Retail to Volume License Converter echo Press Enter to start VL-Conversion... echo. pause echo. cd /D "%SystemRoot%\System32" if %win% GEQ 9200 ( cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-bridge-office.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-root.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-root-bridge-test.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-stil.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-ul.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-ul-oob.xrm-ms cscript slmgr.vbs /ilc "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms ) if %win% LSS 9200 ( cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-bridge-office.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-root.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-root-bridge-test.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-stil.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-ul.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\client-issuance-ul-oob.xrm-ms cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /inslic:"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses16\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms ) echo. echo Retail to Volume License conversion finished. echo. pause ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After Retail2VL conversion was successfully done, you can use any of the KMS_VL_ALL versions from above. Even Microsoft Toolkit / autoKMS will now detect and activate Click2Run Office.
great job ! just want to know if it is normal that the " Web Online installation" takes long.For the time being 65 min. and not yet finished.Nevertheless I appreciate your work and let you know when conversion and activation are done.
Uninstall Office Grace/Trial licenses manually (Win 8 up) Uninstall Office Grace/Trial licenses manually (Win 8 up) In admin CMD: Office 15 Code: :================================================================================================================ ::=============================================================================================================== ::CONVERT 15 OfficeProPlusR_Grace cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk 1b686580-9fb1-4b88-bfba-eae7c0da31ad OfficeProPlusR_Trial cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk db56dec3-34f2-4bc5-a7b9-ecc3cc51c12a OfficeProjectProR_Trial cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk 41937580-5ddd-4806-9089-5266d567219f OfficeProjectProR_Grace cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk ae7b1e26-3aee-4fe3-9c5b-88f05e36cd34 OfficeVisioProR_Grace cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk 024ea285-2685-48bc-87ef-79b48cc8c027 OfficeVisioProR_Trial cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk f35e39c1-a41f-47c9-a204-2ca3c4b13548 Office 16 Code: :================================================================================================================ ::=============================================================================================================== ::CONVERT 16 Office16ProfessionalR_Grace cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk 7a0560c5-21ed-4518-ad41-b7f870b9fd1a Office16ProfessionalR_Trial cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk 39a1be8c-9e7f-4a75-81f4-21cfac7cbecb Office16ProPlusR_Grace cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk 70d9ceb6-6dfa-4da4-b413-18c1c3c76e2e Office16ProPlusR_Trial cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk c8ce6adc-ede7-4ce2-8e7b-c49f462ab8c3 Office16ProjectProR_Trial cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk aeedf8f7-8832-41b1-a9c8-13f2991a371c Office16ProjectProR_Grace cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk ca5b3eea-c055-4acf-bc78-187db21c7db5 Office16VisioProR_Grace cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk 5821ec16-77a9-4404-99c8-2756dc6d4c3c Office16VisioProR_Trial cscript "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /upk a17f9ed0-c3d4-4873-b3b8-d7e049b459ec
No problem, i'am not in a hurry. I'am back to confirm everything o.k. (web installation total 69 min.)
Yes, that's true. Microsoft's Web-servers suffer from terrible hickups the last days. During tests for writing the instructions I can't get any download completed in 2 hours. Have to retry, abort. Try anew. Very annoying and frustrating. To clarify: You only download the startup.exe file (4 MB). After starting this file, the whole online web-setup will begin with loading all the setup files (1 GB) in the background and installing. But there are also times where all is fast and well. So be patient if it aborts or is too slow. Normal installation times are 20-25 Mins (for download & complete setup). This depends on your hardware, internet connection speed and the responsiveness of these "speedy" MS servers. I think they are preparing their delivery systems for the big Windows 10 launch 7/29. Therefore expect long online web installation times these days...
But since, I get events 8233 Security SPP every 2 hours: "The commandline engine reported a failed VL-activating attempt. Cause:0xC004F074 AppId = 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663, SkuId = b322da9c-a2e2-4058-9e4e-f59a6970bd69 Trigger = TimerEvent" Not a big deal but maybe it can be avoided?
JATD only creates the needed XML and pushes the right command to Office Setup, it has no further influence, that one goes back to MS .
I uninstalled Office 2013 32bit prior to installing Office 2016 64bit. After that I uninstalled KMSPico.
Cause:0xC004F074 means KMS server doesn't answer. It is triggered every 120 min. by value set in "KMS activation interval". Occurs, when no active KMS server service was found. Solution: - have your own KMS server up and running permanent as service or - developers of KMS-software solution should increase the value for "KMS activation interval" In case you are using KMS_VL_ALL this can be done by changing line 11 in script with a texteditor. Value range: 15 Min. til 43200 Min (= 30 days), standard is indeed: 120 Min. @s1ave77: please can you look after JATDevice and change.