I have HP 2530p laptop with a corrupted bios,due to the use of a utility "PC Cmos Cleaner",that remove password,found on the net,because a biospassword was set .Now it starts,but do not boot,and screeen is black.Two LEDs are flashing,indicating that bios is corrupted.I have had the bios flashed by a company,without any luck.I am quite sure that there are more data in the bioschip than just the rom,that may be corrupted.Can it be fixed?And how? I have another functioning 2530p,but changing bioschips does not help.I have ordered a universal eeprom programmer. Please help.
There is a recovery procedure utilizing a usb stick and powering on with [WIN]+[Up]+[Down]++. -USB needs to be FAT filesystem. -Create exact folder structure X:\Hewlett-Packard\BIOS\Current\ -Extract bios update CAB and place XXXX.bin and efibios.sig into "Current" folder -Rename XXXX.bin and efibios.sig to your model listed in "ver.txt" My Ver.txt: _ROM_ 68POU v0F.20 12/08/2011 ROLL_BACK_WARNING 0x150000 0x00010000 0x160000 0x00050000 0x30000 0x00008000 I would use 68POU.BIN and 68POU.SIG for my 2730p. -Boot with key combo mentioned above Should be good in about 3 mins. You said you tried swapping Flash from your working unit, what happened? That should have worked just fine. In fact, it should have cloned over serial and product info....It's usually hard to muck up the flash area outside the bios region. It's generally protected with WP pin. I guess every vendor is different. My WP and HOLD are tied to VCC. They are active low, so WP and HOLD are never active.
hey Akuma6099. I did EXACTLY what you said.After 5 min I stopped the laptop,because of no activity.Now it wont start.The battery LED is flashing blue/orange.That is all.(No bad feelings!!)I even took out the battery and pressed the powerbutton to decharge for 20 sec The same happened when I swapped the bioschips from a working machine. I am quite new to bios,but I am sure that there are more data in the bioschip than just the biosrom,it may be serial number etc I have had the machine up running for some weeks ago,so it is not at hardware failure.
That procedure was listed as "HP UEFI Recovery Procedure". I'll have to dig up the pdf. It should have worked. You should really avoid swapping BIOS chips around unless you have a good full working dump. The BIOS itself is usually 1-2MB. There is additional programs, roms, and system data packed into the flash along with the BIOS so yeah, you need a FULL dump of the flash and not a partial dump from software like "Universal Bios Dump". I would take a known good working unit and take a dump using your SPI programmer. Program the bad flash with your good dump. VERIFY that the bad flash programmed successfully and that you don't have any bad blocks, pages, or corruption. I always take 2-3 reads and file compare them to each other. Should be exact. It should boot. Then you will need to program your serial and model using HPDMIFIT tool pack. Hopefully you have a good working unit otherwise you'll need a dump from someone around here...if anyone is willing. I have the 2730P. I'm pretty sure they are incompatible.
I have succeeded in returning my laptop to its original state by swapping bioschips,ie,it starts now but do not boot and screen is black,two LEDs are flashing (cap and num lock) indicating that bios is corrupt
Hello, here the same problem, PW is set. I tried the Recovery Procedure but without success, no changes with the ADMIN-PW. Any Idea? I have a SPI-Programmer, so its no problem to read out and write the SPI.
@Franziskaner:If you want to remove the password from BIOS then boot into Windows as administrator: START -> Run and in the CMD black box type the following commands and press ENTER after each line: Code: debug o 70 2E o 71 FF quit Restart.