did you have such a problem too? hyper-v network interface duplicates itself like a virus, and I have to manually remove it from the `device manager` it create network #1, #2, #3 ... edit. I see that it happen, by running the sandbox app but, it keeps staying, and not remove later ---------------- anyway. found a solution but no permanent one Code: #Requires -Version 4 #Requires -RunAsAdministrator cls Write-Host "Refresh device list" pnputil /scan-devices $interface = "Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter #" "Remove Hyper-V interface ..." Get-PnpDevice | ? Class -eq 'Net' | ? FriendlyName -match $interface | % { pnputil /remove-device """$($_.DeviceID)""" } Write-Host pause
that is expected you do want a virtual interface for your virtual machines enabling Hyper V creates this, You may not actually need one but hyper V creates one anyway. when you set up a virtual machine you can choose whether to use it or not. As far as I know all virtual machine programs create a virtual interface.
and it is not the first time today I see 5 GB of one drive in the ProgramFilesX86 folder contain a full list of sub-folders containing Vxxxxxxxxx from the last 80's ........
No it it creates one by default and that is broken down into three more, Internal , External and host only. this is shown only as one. You can create more if you like, but by default it only creates one
It's sandbox who make this hyper-v interface It's seems that remove them are totally ok In next restart sandbox keep works fine And make another 1 trillion new interface's Ms way of doing things ?
If you said you were using a sandbox program in the first post I would not have replied, I have no idea about sandboxes I usually use Vmware and on occasion have used hyperv
On client windows, lately, everything feels entitled to create a Hyper-V adapter, W10 created the stupid default adapter, WSL2 makes one, Sandbox makes one... SKUwitching to to a server SKU mitigates the behavior, but I'm not sure the sandbox feature is allowed on servers.
even running the script, remove all interface and restart, return with 3-4 new interfaces good MS ... well done.
and also it no SUCH thing Hyper-V VIrus... Just Hyper-V is sandbox to able use it.. I use VMWARE or Virtual box and work fine.. ATGPUD2003