Finally I am unbanned after 12 days. I am very happy to be back on MDL. These 12 days were like being in prison for 12 years, and now I feel like being released from prison after 12 years. Thanks Admin Yen Thanks Moderator BobSheep My message to Admins and Moderators: Please WARN before
Ok, I got banned a second time because I made a thread like this on another forum several years back. I'm just warning you
Moved thread. Wrong section! Nawzil it's simple really. Don't make posts using other peoples links, post in the right sections and if a posts deleted then it was deleted for a reason so don't remake it. I believe Yen has sent you some conditions towards your return so please pay attention to them. We will be watching
@ Nawzil It was to do with Thin-PC. From what I can remember you first posted it in the server section (again wrong forum section) and then posted it in the Windows 7 section. You then later edited your post to use a different link and included a serial which we don't allow here at MDL. I believe your other posts were deleted but the one I have on a log here shows that your Metro clock was deleted and then you created the thread again. Instead of doing that you should contact a member of the team and ask why something was deleted because otherwise you're just going to annoy the moderator that deleted the original thread.
I am sorry. I did not know that the serial was not allowed here. Regarding the Metro Clock, I am the one who said Moderator BobSheep to delete some unwanted comments on that thread, but he deleted the whole thread. I thought he deleted it by mistake, so I posted it again.