After suffering a long streak of "everything breaks" a few months ago, I'm apparently on "to-do list keeps on growing" streak now. No matter how little I sleep and spend on time trying to go thru that list, things jump onto that list in a second I try to make it shorter. I need a vacation badly! Even while I'm retired... and obviously that list would keep on growing exponentionally while I try to relax. For example, I (still) have HP XE3 open at my work table. I got it ready to assembly, but a friend brought a computer to fix... and put it to same table before I realized what was happening. Needless to say, all the gazillion screws spilled all over. Now i don't just have to assembly that notebook. I have to find (rest of) the screws and decide which belongs to where. And it's still not guaranteed that this notebook lives thru the "operation" which lies ahead of it... Sometimes weird things happen. Like when I recently bought 2*2GB RAM and installed them to this computer. Until now, I never bothered to check if all went smoothly and now i see something is not quite right. Previously I had 2*1GB installed and there were no problems. After adding new RAM XP somehow sees only 2.5GB. Yes, I'm aware of memory limits of XP and because of that, I expected XP would see something from 3.25GB to 3.75GB. I'd say there's 0.5-1GB still missing, as GFX card has on-board 512MB. So now I have additional task ahead for finding the reason for this. I just don't have the patience for it right now, so I'll add it to the list. My planned smooth transition from XP to Win7 is looking bleaker every day... I could go on and on, but I really wonder: Where do people find all the free time, as obviously day is too short with just 24 hours? Perhaps someone is using hours from my days to make enough time to themselves? If so, shame on you, whoever is the guilty one!
hahahahaha this is true, no time for nothing.. I need vacations too... I want to go to the mountains, breathe some fresh air, and forget about everything for few days...
Ok, I took some time off for relaxing and unwinding a bit and now I'm even more late on my schedule. It may have something to do with the much needed rest after hangov... erm, unwinding. Ok, weird idea #1 scrapped. I rarely do anything to my 'puter untill after good sleep and there is a reason for it. No crazy ideas to brake your computer, no fatal mistakes, no useless ideas to waste my precious time. I still payed a little with those memory modules, but for some reason I can't get XP to see more than 2.5GB, so it's probable XP with something wrong with this installation. BIOS seem all the memory, but XP and even summary of Everest sees only 2.5GB. Quering individual modules from Everest shows them all fine. I will officially give up for this, as I have much more important things to do. First thing I have to do is checking if Mark "Sysinternal" Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell have been able to fix Disk2vhd, as version has been upped. That is, I want to save my current setup as virtual PC in Windows 7.
It's always 1-3-2-4 for the RAM, on every motherboard I saw it was in this order Regarding the amount of RAM available to your 32 bits operating system, you're wasting your time since it's perfectly normal. Yes, theoretically 32 bits should allow up to 4 GB of memory, but it's global. Means that it is 4 GB minus everything else, starting from the memory of your video card, etc. You're wasting your time with this. If you want to have more RAM available to you, you have to upgrade to a 64 bits operating system, period. Good luck with your other things
I've not bothered to check the order of memory slot for a long time. Other than what is slot #1, before filling it and next to it. Last time I had more than 2 memory modules in use was a LONG time ago. As far as 32-bit/4GB problem, I'm well aware of that. That is why I expected to see 3.25GB or more within XP... but still well under 4GB. Problem is... XP sees here ONLY 2.5GB, so there's something weird going on with that "missing" 3.25-2.5GB (=750MB) RAM. XP should reckognize at the mentioned 3.25GB, don't you think so? I'm making some investigations before I make the double-leap (new OS, 32bit-64bit), because it's a whole lot of hassle and reverting to old system would be even bigger one. I intend to use as little time offline as possible, so I'm trying to make sure the transition is going to be as painless as possible. Hopefully I don't run into more troubles, or I have to seriously think if the OS change is worth of it. It's already bad that some softwares I use are not available as 64bit versions, but some of them are incompatible. Hopefully they still work with XPM... Some hardware are also bound to have their issues. I may even have to give up with my secondary (touch capable) display, etc. Oh... I forgot: Thanks!
No, it depends entirely on your hardware configuration, there's nothing wrong in having only 2.5 GB of RAM available on an 32 bits OS. I already met this case couple of time and the switch to a 64 bits OS made all the memory available instantly, as expected. Hey, all the 32 bits software works great on Windows 64 bits! You won't have any issue regarding that. Yeah only drivers could be an issue, but still, Windows provides a lot of drivers for many hardware through windows update, you should be fine! Good luck with your upgrade
While I was adamant that I would solve this "problem", I've decided to let it pass as being one of those weird this that sometimes just happen. Why? Well, I removed the secon monitor (ELO Touch) with it's drivers and USB2COM cable (with it's drivers)... and gained 512MB memory. That is... until next (required) boot! All? I'm afraid I do. For example, SandBoxie have certain "issues" in 64bit environment and it's not the only one. I don't feel confident about Ultr@VNC, either. There is a (alpha?) version which I could try, but it requires changes at the server, too. Server is running Win2K, so no 64bit there. Unless I can handle some old software in XPM, I need to find good alternatives. If they are as "good" as Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor (which insist my 8500GT with 512MB RAM being incompatible!), I don't expect much. I'm afraid I need to drop the some "old" hardware, which is really a shame. Permitting I find the neccessary free time and I can get VHD of old system working, I plan to make the leap of faith at this weekend. I may need to make full system image backup before that, but hopefully everything goes smoothly. Mr. Murphy with his laws is NOT welcome here...
I hope I can WORK in a vacation. Things could be worse but this last year is nuts. Last Christmas I started passing a kidney stone (I know huge downer). I had it blown up in the end of Feb. All this time I was looking to buy a house and the lenders changed the amount I could get every 3 weeks, they started at 430,000. In May I found a house and I could barely get 260.000. I live in CA homes cost a lot. Moved in to new house 3 weeks later found out my husband needed a triple by-pass. So I had to do everything, I became a grandma. Had family come from Spain Aug 12, and then got a new job Aug 17. The school computer and network were a mess no one been there for 2 years. I have to setup a new network. No one has any passwords why would I need them thanks to my toolkit I fixed most of that. Here is the funny thing most of the computer are Windows 98 and some Windows 2000 top of the line right? They are going to Window XP and the school district wants to go with Window 7. Which will mean more work and dealing with old software remember I work for a school and they love to pamper the Computer techs, imagine that lol? Ok, back to why I want a vacation…
I also want to go on a long vacation. I like hill areas very much. Now I want to do some relax. Thanks
After messing up with my system a bit (because of sleep deprivation) I tried to have at least some time off. The plan was to have a lot of sleep, good food... and generally relax. All that time I only thought what I needed to do next, so I ended being even more stressed than before. Perhaps I'm too much hooked on computers?
Aren't we all As soon as my kids are asleep, and I've had my "time" with the wify, I'm behind the desk. Despite 8 hours of work behind a similar desk, and sepite the mearely 4-5 hours sleep in result of it Thought it would go away with aging, but like hell it does
I need a vacation Hi , I need some psychedelic loops does somebody have anything? specially for psychedelic & goa parties, thx
As a digital forum, we maybe won't be able to fully satisfy your wish Well, enjoy your vacation - whoever has. For me, vacation will come soon