Integrate7 script – automatically slipstream updates and drivers up to 11/2023!

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Deleted member 190847, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. chinotto

    chinotto MDL Novice

    Aug 17, 2009
    is it possible not to install updates for IE11? How?
  2. abdul hafiz mohamed

    abdul hafiz mohamed MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2017
    #102 abdul hafiz mohamed, Jul 1, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
    nice tool. keep up the good work !!!
    Edit: my iso finally done. Time to testing..
  3. Doskungen

    Doskungen MDL Junior Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    Hello again!

    I just have one question... Is it possible to have the script integrate the latest Windows Defender update into the ISO for those of us that choose to keep Windows Defender in?
    I've been examining the script but still haven't been able to figure out what throws out that error I wondered about before... The error appears at the very beginning of the "Adding drivers to Installer (Boot.wim)" stage...
  4. Makinenn

    Makinenn MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2010
    Amazing tool, wkeller! I've just discovered it and tried it, and now I've got my ISO.

    Is it possible to integrate .exe drivers, like NVIDIA GeForce? Or does drivers integration only works with .inf, .sys, .cat files?

    And one more thing: I already had the convenience rollup (KB3125574-v4-x64) downloaded. Before running the script, I placed it into the hotfixes folder. But the script downloaded it nonetheless. I realised later that it had a different name. Do you think that could be the issue?
    I did the same thing with the KB3020369-x64 -which I read somewhere that needed to be installed before the convenience rollup after doing a fresh installation of Win7 SP1-, but this hotfix wasn't downloaded nor integrated.
  5. Makinenn

    Makinenn MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2010
    Thank you very much for your answer, wkeller.

    And how can I do that? Do I need to know how to "code" that script? Because if that's the answer, then I'm screwed. :D
  6. Doskungen

    Doskungen MDL Junior Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    Thanks for the reply though there are some changes that are implemented even if you choose not to apply the custom patches I believe. Also with regard to keeping Windows Defender in, is there a way for you (or me doing it manually) to make the latest Windows Defender updates integrated? If you do not/can not do this Windows Update can't download and implement the latest Defender definitions and stops with a 80004 error I believe.

    All these things aside, thank you VERY much once again for making this excellent script. I've been working on my own for personal use, but it is very clear it is not up to snuff compared to what you have created. :)

    Oh and just wondering if you - or someone else knows where I can find clean/genuine Windows 7 ISO files - they seem to have been removed completely now from even the Heidoc ISO Download tool does not work anymore. Is there an ISO repository??
  7. chinotto

    chinotto MDL Novice

    Aug 17, 2009
    works also with windows 7 N editions?
  8. Doskungen

    Doskungen MDL Junior Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    Yeah they should. If you download the SVF files for transforming into N Editions.
  9. Sorry man.

    My goal was only to create simple script that:
    - integrates updates,
    - removes bloatware,
    - integrates basic drivers (Mass Storage and USB) which are necessary to install the OS.

    That's all, because everything else could be installed later.
    So I had no plan to create big "all in one tool". If you want such tool, You can create your own fork based on my.

    Sorry man. I have no time to do that. You can create the fork if you need it.

    I have skipped Windows Defender updates, because I don't use it and I do not recommend it to anybody, as Microsoft will stop supporting it (on Windows 7) soon.
    After EOS, Windows Defender will be useless bloatware.
  10. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  11. Doskungen

    Doskungen MDL Junior Member

    Dec 4, 2011
  12. Makinenn

    Makinenn MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2010
    As Doskungen said, there's no need to apologise. Your script already does an amazing job.
    I was just asking because, in my case, I have an old VGA card with the latest drivers being updated on December 2016, and it would have been good to just integrate that and skip that installation process later.
    Anyways, thank you again for what you're doing!

    And thank you, Enthousiast. I think I read something similar in a Spanish webpage (now I don't remember where...).
    I'm not sure if it's exactly what I'm looking for, but I will definitely investigate it further to try and understand this process.
  13. Doskungen

    Doskungen MDL Junior Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    I actually think what you are asking for is already possible using wkellers script. You just stick the driver files in add_these_drivers_to_Installer/Recovery/Windows and under the correct architecture folder (x86 for 32-bit or x64 for 64-bit). I think for the graphics driver it would be enough if you just put them in add_these_drivers_to_Windows/ to have the driver active once in Windows. If you are having issues figuring out which files to integrate or how to extract the files, if you make the driver available somewhere I can download it I can try to help you out!

  14. Makinenn

    Makinenn MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2010
    The thing is, I have zero knowledge of coding. So I wouldn't even know where to start (other than learning how to write and read code...).
    So far, what I've been able to do is see the content of the .exe by opening it with 7-Zip to see all the files available.
    If you think it's not that hard, I would really appreciate your help.
    The link to the drivers is this:
    PS: I don't know if this is considered OT, so if mods think it is, please tell me and we'll continue via PM.