Hi, I need help people. The thing is I'm going out of my mind soon, if I can't solve this problem. Here it goes: I've got a clean installed Vista SP1 64 bit machine (Samsung R560) with T9400 CPU, Nvidia 9600mGT display adapter, PM45 chipste and a fully 4gb of DDR3 Ram. This machine has an Intel Wifi 5100 wireless card connected in it to mini PCI express port. The machine is brand new and as I mentioned before, it is a clean install with all updates and latest stable drivers. The problem is like that: I can connect to wireless internet succesfully with all the speed that my ISP gives to me (in this case download 200kb/s and upload 50kb/s with 2Mbit ADSL internet). The web surfing is fine, no problems at all. The torrent downloading is fine, no problem there too.. BUT when I tried to connect to other computers within the same network (and same workgroup name) or when any computer in my network tries to connect to my laptop using a network share or using the \\compname\d$ etc. command, the computer connects succesfully, it can browse the files BUT when it comes to watch a video from my computer or transferring any files from my computer to theirs, the network speed is so slow, that whether the video can be played nor the transfer could be made. I tried to ping the IP's and via versa, it gives 1ms response time, which is OK. I tried to connect via not the network name, via the IP address directly (like \\\d$ etc) but same slow speed again. I checked windows event log and following events are to mention related to the topic: Event ID: 2012 Description: While transmitting or receiving data, the server encountered a network error. Occassional errors are expected, but large amounts of these indicate a possible error in your network configuration. The error status code is contained within the returned data (formatted as Words) and may point you towards the problem. \Device\LanmanServer Event ID: 5005 Description: The description for Event ID 5005 from source NETw5v64 cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: \Device\NDMP17 Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file. I also tried to check the hardware using Intel Pro Wireless utility and the hardware and connection passes all the tests available. Since it can connect to wireless internet so successfully, I don't think that it is hardware related. I have my firewall turned OFF and turning it On doesn't make a difference. The network connection to other computers and from other computers to mine is there but so slow that a video file cannot be played or a file transfer could not be made. Like a said, I have all the latest and stable versions of drivers installed and Vista Sp1 install is also clean. Has anyone experienced the same problems? And how to get over with it? How to solve it? Before this thing occured I COULD connect with an acceptable speed to network computers and they to mine, but nothing changed or nothing happened but the thing became like that.. Please any suggestions or help is very welcome.. Thanks in advance! Andac
Pleaasee.. Nobody has a computer with Wifi 5100 network adapter? ANy problems, suggestions, configuration options? All the intel proset tests suggest that the hardware is working fine but it is almost impossible to connect from other computers in my network to my computer without having freezes in video or it is not even possible to transfer a 10mb file successfully? Nobody having any problems with Wifi 5100? Please reply? Andac
As far as my ADSL connection goes, I can test the connectivity and performance of my 5100 wifi card up to 2Mbit speed (about 200Kb/s) and that is working fine. However when connecting from or to a network computer and making a file transfer or playing a video, the computer needs more bandwidth. As an example, if you cannot connect to another network computer with at least 1mb/s transfer speed, you cannot play a video located in the network computer in your own computer and that is exaclty what my problem is. There is a computer A connected to my wireless network. My computer B is connected to the same wireless network with the same workgroup etc. A user on computer A wants to play a video file located in computer B, or wants to transfer a file located in computer B to computer A. In both cases, the performance of playing the video (again the read performance) or transferring the file is so slow, that the video will not be played or media player becomes not responding, or when transferring a file, even a small one, it takes too much time, or doesn't succeed at all.. As I said, I can only test and approve a speed of 2Mbit at most (200kb/s) and that is the limit of my internet connection. But I can definitely say, that connecting over network is very slow (must be somewhat under 800 kb/s not being able to play the video). Andac
Are all your computers connected with the same highspeed to the WLAN-Router? If only one computer ist connected via 11 mbit, then all computers are affected.
All the clients on my network are connected via 54Mbps wireless and stays at that speed 99% of up-time.
Wow, that is the utility I was looking for to test my network and attached computers. I will reply with results and any improvements if any Thanks anyway, but other sugggestions are also welcome for solving this speed problem within the local network with the 5100. By the way, Samsung Support suggested to use WPA2 encryption within the network if possible. (My router supports WPA only and I'll also try that) and also suggested to test the network without using any encryption (only MAC address filtering) and I'll try that also afterwards. Anyway, will be back with results and hopefully with good ones. Andac
I believe this is something driver related. Somebody in Intel's developer forum made a comment about such a topic also and mentioned that under heavy loads the 5100 adapter is acting errorgeneous. I agree with him and curiously waiting for the next driver release from Intel hoping that the issue will be fixed. Since the adapter is not errorgeneous in a linear line, I mean since it is not making such errors every time, I must believe that it is something driver related and also happening under heavy loads. 5100 users, please comment.. Thank you! Andac