Hi all, Having to do a reformat for someone who has an OEM Acer laptop, I have backed up the Product ID, also the ACRSYS_V2.1_Cert.xrm-ms (which happens to be the same that is in the aio oem) although named differently, but this laptop also has MS office standard 2007 on it, I have downloaded it already from dig riv, but i was wondering if it is possible to somehow backup the license and reinsert it once I have reinstalled win7. (luckily I have already checked the bios and it has already got a 2.1 acer slic). I have already used coffee recover the get the keys, is this all i would need to reinstall office?? or is there more to it. Thanks guys for taking the time to read my plea.. sadsack.
yeah i read the replies; i'm familiar with many "keyfinders," i'm just saying that if the person you are fixing the laptop for bought their copy you will have to have the same key that goes with the very disc that was used to install it. or if it came with the machine then they either purchased the license and key or the license came with the machine already and you will have to make sure it is on the disc that the OS is reinstalled from, which sometimes is not present on the disc even though it came with the machine from the factory. i feel like i just explained that twice, but anyway... backing up the activation is one thing, but if you are backing up the activation to a different version or install than what you will be reinstalling i don't think that will work, though i could be wrong because activation is not my strong suit.