UUP Dump can do this, but officially we can't install LTSC updates in regular Windows 10 (All SKUS expect LTSC and server 2019)
Don't LTSC 1809 and regular 1809 (Home, Pro, Education, etc) get the same updates? I'm just thinking of the headache of needing to download not only the right version, you also need the right edition of 10.
not really, support for regular windows 1809 (consumer editions) in 2020, for enterprise editions in 2021 and for ltsc = 2029
Microsoft makes things very confusing for sure. I was lucky and was able to install LTSC 3 years ago and can still get updates for 1809.
10240 update.mum is restricted to EnterpriseS/SN editions 14393/17763 update.mum is not restricted, yet You cannot fool CBS to allow online installation of updates on regular editions
use enterprise ltsc 2019 certificate on 1809 regular insert key reboot , launch windows update and try