Just weird - estimated data usage through the roof!

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by Bakersfield, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. Bakersfield

    Bakersfield MDL Junior Member

    Feb 7, 2012
    Hi all,

    Old hardware - running 8.1 pro (SSD).

    Current Internet: Personal hotspot device - 32GB allowance (up & down total). Running lat 7 days.

    Windows 8.1 (click on wifi icon in taskbar - show estimated data usage) reports that my estimated data usage for the last four days has been 39.7 GB.

    Yet when I log into the hotspot device - it has only been about 1GB.

    At one point - I'm looking at the estimated data usage figure - and its just rolling up non stop. about 0.04mb every second.

    So I install wireshark - and the behaviour totally stops.

    Can anybody tell me what might be going on here?
  2. Bakersfield

    Bakersfield MDL Junior Member

    Feb 7, 2012
    Would really appreciate it - if somebody could guide me in looking at logs / wireless adapter - and find out why there is over reporting of my estimated data usage.

    I suspect that because it is an old machine from 2008 - it will be the in/out data to the ssd instad.

    Or there is another hidden network that my machine is using.