Code: h t t p:// h t t p:// Working Windows 8.1 RTM 64bit.
dunno why but crashes during the 1st seconds of installation on 8.1 x64 (clean install) with some obnoxious message saying there's a problem with the C:\user\... temp folder content
sorry but that is not for 8.1 just checked there web its still for w 8.0 disabled defender turned all start up items off and it goes into checking for incompatible software with 3 min left tells me to restart to complete setup, computer restarts and does the same thing again and again, so every time it checks it fails, sorry but for "me" its incompatible if it works for you great. I will wait until the 18 when they release the full retail software, the software with the built in patch doesn't work on this puter !!
thks ian82 I disabled Defender in the admin console, KAV installed and worked without a glitch... seems it does not disable it by itself as all others AV do.
great you got it resolved! as I was surprised to see your post at first because this Patch B installer is meant to bring official Win 8.1 support