we got this many times on the boards already, thanks though probably wouldn't hurt to merge a few together.
actually going back to 7 or 8, knowing about 10. Wouldn't you think to delve a little deeper into them as well? They both have telemetry. Going back and going forward may not be an option for some people. Only logical direction is going left or right, linux to the left, apple to the right.. then we can discuss what each of these two share with whom, and they do.
I dont think both has telemetry but if i except windows 7 and 8 has telemetry you can control if you wish...but on windows 10 with telemetry lose control you dont know what services to stop...you stop a services and after you see grow more and more services....even all this good scripts who exist here on mdl forum cant stop 100% the telemetry on w10 for this and more reasons i say NO to winows 10!!!!!!! i think windows 10 is not 100% OS from MS is hybrid OS between MS and USA-NSA GOVERNMENTS!!!
OH not just the USA-NSA, You forgot a few... SVR RF, FSB, III (Russia) The Mossad, Aman, Shin Bet (Israel) NDS (Afganistan) ASIS, ASIO, DIO (Australia) CIE, CIM, CIA (non-U.S.) (Brazil) DND, SIU (Canada) MSS(China) BND, MAD (Germany) SIN (Haiti) CBI, NIA (India) MOIS (Iran) SDU (Ireland) JGSDF, DID (Japan) CISEN (Mexico) MI5, MI6 (U.K.) MS is an equal opportunity re-seller.
Actually you have a point... So what if Windows 10 sends some data to Microsoft.? What harm can it do me.? If I was Hillary Clinton or the Government of Germany it would matter... but I am just one very ordinary user among millions using Windows 10. just a statistic as far as Microsoft is concerned. The reason I want to stop the data traffic too and from Microsoft servers is because it's wasting my bandwidth and I am on a limited quota connection. Anyway my PC seems to run a lot faster since I removed as much of the Microsoft stuff as I could. That in itself is reason enough.
A lot of those sites are weeks behind on details. We've already been mentioning the need to firewall block or route block apps and stuff in addition to the basic telemetry disable reg keys. When I get more time I'll look into seeing if I can at least get a functional script to block all the spying sh*t in LTSB. After that it's a matter of scaling it up to normal versions. I should have a good amount of time in a few days after I get done with win7.
hey,at least we have the balls to try it,i am not that worried,worst comr to worst,i wil refesh the PC..@lobo11 .take your tiny opinion and keep it to your self.
[h=2]Keep your hands off my spyware[/h] Fair enough. The rest of us have the freedom to do something different?
Why does the issue of spying bother those who are getting rid of it more than those who accept to live with it? I mean making fun of those who choose to keep their OS from spy tweaks or whatever.
You got that backward. They're getting rid of it because they're bothered by it. Most people aren't technically proficient enough to even know or care what they're doing. I'm not saying they don't understand privacy concerns. They just don't know how it's any different than many other things in their life that have privacy concerns.
I mean those who get rid of it are supposed not to make fun of those who want to keep it. The fact that I like to keep my Windows 10 the way it is doesn't give others the right to make jest of me. It portrays the notion of looking down on people or clearly calling them ignoramuses.
It happens every time there's something new happening with any sort of political interests. People have a knee-jerk reaction to change. I, personally, am not satisfied without the option to completely cut off the spying. I speak too often about what others think. It's a bad habit of mine.
well maybe windows 10 is not for you since you cant really disable all the telemetry without breaking the os. and if your a windows insider ms has the right to revoke your activation since your contravening the Eula.
Nonsense. registry keys and firewall settings do not give ms the right to revoke activation. It's their own security measures.