my laptop keyboard will work ok if i press gently keys 7 and 8. but if press them normaly all keys stops working. only the trackpoint still can move cursor but none of the keys work i have to restart. on;y happens with 7 and 8. keys what is happening.? any idea if it can be fixed.? why the whole keyboard keys stops working after either of those 2 keys are pressed... dell m4600 no backlight
yeah. tried to dissassemble. now doesn't work . am not sure which keyword i need .. this is my service tag dell m4600 FF42YV1 keyboard has no backlight what is the part number . can you help me find the keyboard complete.. from usa only.. with part number i can search in mexico. decide where to buy.. @Enthousiast @abbodi1406 @acer-5100 using now onscreen kbrd
No direct experience with that specific model, but I have replaced many keyboards on e4300/e4310/e6400/e6410 and alike. (not because the keyboard was broken but because I had to change the layout. And I had no problem, not even a setting in the bios was needed to make them working.
@kaljukass i dont mind the message i could not reply there.. well what am about to tell you reminds me of a guy that asked if he getting ssd and reformast every 3 months would be ok. you reply was if that was going to be a ritual.. LOL well in my case i have clean install 2-3 times a week.. since i stay home kind of have all the time so i do it. sometimes because i made a mistake inside the os and rather clean install then run fixes... same when i was flashing roms on my android. i flashed weekly and once i did everyday.... well my cmos battery is old like 3 years old.. i think it was damaged.. because pressing any keys in the 7-8 and u area it iwll stop typing but the track point would work... i live in a small town . with dirt roads theres a lot of dust. so yes i kind of keep cleaning my laptop often too that reqires me to remove the ribbon cable..and also when repasting.. the last 2 times after ressebly the keyboard did not worked but reseaitin the cable made it work.. so maybe the ribbon cable is damaged OR i damaged more... the keyboard would work if i very gently pressed the 7-8 or u key.. but if i pressed noramlly like i do it would stop working. why just those 3 keys why not the rest... dissassemble the keyboard but didnt open the plastic where all the electronic lines are.. just clean it from both sides and the one that has the little rubber button...took me about 5 hours to reassemble and back ache and not feeling well. i dont thik ill ever open a laptop keyboard ever again. turned pc on . NO more inpt from keys or trackpoint.. my ribbon cable had worned signs. like the pins were leaving small holes in the contacts of the ribbon cable when trying to check i heard a snap what i did was cut from there the cable and peel to exposed the contacs but still didnt work. by the way my niece lend me a desktop keyboard wich am suing right now...
Yes, I told you I didn't have experience with that specific model, not than I haven't dell experience. The models I was talking about are all Dell, just a bit newer models.