I don't know if it's the right place for laser pointer part. I want to buy a Levin blue laser because one of my friends bought one at LaserTo last week. The laser pointer seems good and the price is a little high. Any cheaper way to get the laser? Thanks in advance!
May not have brand name you mentioned but there prices are reasonable and sometimes the best. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...NodeId=1&Description= laser pointer&x=22&y=20
I knew this one, but anyway it is really very powerful and dangerous. I don't want to make such a high risk. My father uses 808nm infrared laser pointer very good. It is looking great and different.
445nm or 473nm Pay attention to the wavelength. There are two types of blue laser: 445nm laser blue and 473nm laser blue.
I have helped you found these coupon codes from their blog site to get price off. I hope it will help. "Coupon code sending rules: $10 coupon code: purchase of laser pointer 1mW-150mW Coupon Code: LT-OP10$ $20 coupon code: purchase of laser pointer 200mW-700mW Coupon Code: LT-XB20$" I cannot buy it by myself such a high cost laser, but father has promised to send me such a powerful laser on my 18 birthday.
[FONT="]I have an Aqarius-5 and Lyra Gold lasers, both at or under 5mW that I purchased from Laserglow.com[/FONT]
you may search some coupons on the internet, or ask for the discount from the site you want to buy the laser point.
So what is your budget? I have a 1W blue laser pointer brought from lazerer.com/ . I can sell it to you if you what.