Last Stage and Stuck

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by nonuby, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. nonuby

    nonuby MDL Novice

    Sep 12, 2014
    Ive managed to extract my BIOS, pluck the correct module, use U IFR extractor and get the list

    Ive managed to find SVM virtualization and enable that (+4 bytes) however I can't figure out why offset I edit to enable virtualization on this laptop: Here is relevant section

    Form Sets
    0x2C974Boot (0x10F from string package 0x0)
    0x2D144Security (0xF4 from string package 0x0)
    0x2D6E4Main (0xCD from string package 0x0)
    0x2DD64Power (0x207 from string package 0x0)
    0x2E464Advanced (0x16D from string package 0x0)
    0x316E4Exit (0x13C from string package 0x0)
    0x31944Information (0x2 from string package 0x0)

    0x2E468 Form Set: Advanced {0E A7 F4 27 4A A0 00 DF 42 4D B5 52 39 51 13 02 11 3D 6D 01 CE 00 01 71 99 03 93 45 85 04 4B B4 5E 32 EB 83 26 04 0E}
    0x2E48F Guid: 0F0B1735-87A0-4193-B266-538C38AF48CE {5F 15 35 17 0B 0F A0 87 93 41 B2 66 53 8C 38 AF 48 CE 03 01 00}
    0x2E4A4 Guid: 0F0B1735-87A0-4193-B266-538C38AF48CE {5F 15 35 17 0B 0F A0 87 93 41 B2 66 53 8C 38 AF 48 CE 04 05 00}
    0x2E4B9 Default Store: en-US 0x0 {5C 06 00 00 00 00}
    0x2E4BF Var Store: 0x1234[635] (SystemConfig) {24 23 F4 27 4A A0 00 DF 42 4D B5 52 39 51 13 02 11 3D 34 12 7B 02 53 79 73 74 65 6D 43 6F 6E 66 69 67 00}
    0x2E4E2 Var Store: 0x1235[17] (PasswordConfig) {24 25 F6 EE 2D F7 EF 13 58 49 B0 27 0E 45 CE 7F A4 5E 35 12 11 00 50 61 73 73 77 6F 72 64 43 6F 6E 66 69 67 00}
    0x2E507 Var Store Name Value: 0x1 {25 14 01 00 F6 EE 2D F7 EF 13 58 49 B0 27 0E 45 CE 7F A4 5E}
    0x2E51B Form: Advanced, Form ID: 0x1 {01 86 01 00 6D 01}
    0x2E521 Subtitle: {02 87 CE 00 00 00 00}
    0x2E528 End {29 02}
    0x2E52A Ref: PCI Configuration, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F 6E 01 6F 01 01 00 00 00 FF FF 00 20 00}
    0x2E539 Ref: Boot Configuration, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F 70 01 71 01 02 00 00 00 FF FF 00 21 00}
    0x2E548 Ref: Peripheral Configuration, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F 72 01 73 01 03 00 00 00 FF FF 00 22 00}
    0x2E557 Ref: IDE Configuration, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F 74 01 75 01 04 00 00 00 FF FF 00 23 00}
    0x2E566 Ref: Video Configuration, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F 76 01 77 01 05 00 00 00 FF FF 00 25 00}
    0x2E575 Ref: USB Configuration, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F 78 01 79 01 06 00 00 00 FF FF 00 26 00}
    0x2E584 Ref: Chipset Configuration, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F 7A 01 7B 01 07 00 00 00 FF FF 00 27 00}
    0x2E593 Ref: ACPI Table/Features Control, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F 7C 01 7D 01 08 00 00 00 FF FF 00 28 00}
    0x2E5A2 Ref: CPU Related setting, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F 35 02 36 02 09 00 00 00 FF FF 00 29 00}
    0x2E5B1 Ref: AMD PBS Option, Variable: 0xFFFF {0F 0F BC 02 BD 02 0A 00 00 00 FF FF 00 2B 00}
    0x2E5C0 End Form {29 02}