Bro, you do too much drugs or frankly you got a whole different culture. Spoiler It's a f joke for baus scripts zucrin and I did
Can you please add script for onedrive and microsoftedge? disabling or disabling+removing would be great are your scripts have /s parameter? to run in setupcomplete.cmd
removing onedrive & edge is not something I would recommend, since it can break windows updates for not much benefit other than few MB's storage disabling on the other hand is quite easy via IFEO registry will see if I can share something fancy no /s parameter, though it's a great suggestion for ToggleDefender will probably add off and on launch options and for convenience parsing script name for option so for example could rename it as ToggleDefender;off.bat or ToggleDefender;on.bat
I have good reasons to remove it Quarantine my files, hate this p o s ! Can call it virus instead defender.
It's not that bad - just set it up well - there are tools for that. Although I disable / remove it anyway and use different security features.
Basically you are calling @zucrin a p o s and a f virus? Really? Let's behold the beginning of a war...
You are always in funny mood LOL. no i havent called him a virus but agreed to his comment. He can understand what i mean by quoting his comment in a bright crystal clear way.
pff get off my lawn I've been toying lately with some downloaded custom drivers and since there are so many binaries to check manually for digital signatures, I've adapted the verify defender update cabs thingy to work for any file(s) or folder(s) selected via right-click - Send to menu Verify Digital Signatures.bat Code: @(echo off% <#%) &color 07 &title Verify Digital Signatures &rem Files/Folders SendTo menu entry by AveYo set "0=%~f0" &set 1=%*& powershell -nop -c iex ([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) &pause &exit/b ||#>)[1] #,# Install to SendTo menu when run from another location if (!$env:1) { write-host "`n No input files or folders to verify! use 'Send to' context menu ...`n" -fore Yellow } $SendTo = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('ApplicationData') + '\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo' if (!$env:1 -and $env:0 -and $(Split-Path $env:0) -ne $SendTo) { copy $env:0 "$SendTo\Verify Digital Signatures.bat" -force } if (!$env:1) { return } #,# Process command line arguments - supports multiple files and folders $arg = ([regex]'"[^"]+"|[^ ]+').Matches($env:1) $val = Get-Item -force -lit ($arg[0].Value.Trim('"')) $dir = Split-Path $val; cd -lit $dir #,# Grab target files names $files = @() foreach ($a in $arg) { $f = gi -force -lit $a.Value.Trim('"') if ($f.PSTypeNames -match 'FileInfo') { $files += $f } else { dir -lit $f -rec -force |? { !$_.PSIsContainer } |% { $files += $_ } } } #,# Verify digital signatures via built-in powershell - now with a more descriptive output $ext = '.exe .dll .mui .sys .ax .ocx .cpl .scr .msu .msi .Msix .msixbundle .appx .appxbundle .cab .cat .cdxml .ps1xml .psd1 .psm1' $filter = $ext.Split(); $err = @() $files | foreach-object { if ($filter -contains $_.Extension) { $sig = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $_.FullName if ($sig.status -eq 0) { $sig.SignerCertificate| add-member Thumbprint $sig.SignerCertificate.Subject.Split('=')[1].Trim(', O').Trim(', OU') -force write-output $sig } else { $err += "Invalid "+$_.FullName+"`nModified "+$_.LastWriteTime+" Size "+$_.Length+"`n" } } } write-host if ($err.length -eq 0) { write-host -fore yellow -back darkgreen " OK! " } else { write-output $err; write-host -fore yellow -back darkred " ERR! " } #,# Done Run once, and it will copy itself to Send to menu. Only scans active binaries (should I add more formats?) update: now with a more descriptive output - signer name instead of useless Thumbprint 2021.09.16: improved output speed
yeah, if it contains AppxSignature.p7x basically just one (zip) container renamed for appx, msix, appxbundle, the msixbundle I forgot and whatever else microsoft throws at their s**tty store and msu (like cab) - but that is already secured via wusa - I'm under the impression that it does not take custom authored ones