looking for advice for backing up shared network folders contents

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by bp1, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. bp1

    bp1 MDL Member

    May 11, 2009
    I currently have a XP Pro PC which i use for various test works. I keep various test data on a shared network drive. I currently use NT Backup (XP's backup util) for backing up the shared network drive data to my XP PC drive.
    This backup procedure works great for what i need.

    I will soon be upgrading this PC to win7. I have come across one problem and would be very grateful for any advice.
    My problem is i am unable to backup my shared drive data to my PC drive folder.
    I have tried various backup utils on the internet for this task but none of them allow for backing up my network shared folder to my local PC HDD.
    I have even tried XP's NT Backup but get an error - "The backup utility cannot connect to the removable storage service". Info from Google suggests that windows 7 does not support the removable storage service.

    Does anyone use or recommend a freeware backup util that will allow backing up of a network shared folder to the local PC drive folder. Any help would be very much appreciated.
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  2. paulinasalsa

    paulinasalsa MDL Novice

    Feb 18, 2012
    It looks perfect, thanks for your tips.