Looking for other ways to integrate dotnet 3.5 and request resources

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ZXGU, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. ZXGU

    ZXGU MDL Novice

    Mar 22, 2022
    Hello, after I choose to integrate .net 3.5 in UUP, I use MSMG to integrate it again and it seems that there will be a conflict blue screen, but I do not want to use UUP to integrate .net 3.5.
    The download link of MSMG Toolkit after the update at the end of June cannot find the Packs of NetFx 3.5. Can you provide me with NetFx 3.5 available in 12.2 or other versions? You can upload here or tell me how to find them
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Why would you enable it twice, UUP uses the "ISO:\sources\sxs\cab file" and MSMG uses a repacked addon.

    ps, if you want the MSMG pack why don't you ask it in it's own dedicated thread?