Nope, i am going to add it asap, but as addition to the sku list. So the end result will have these sku's in: x86: Code: - Starter - HomeBasic - HomePremium - Professional - Ultimate - Enterprise x64: Code: - HomeBasic - HomePremium - Professional - Ultimate - Enterprise This means that the win 7 enterprise iso needs to be provided and the updates integration process will run on the two base indexes, will take more time to finish. For simple updating of enterprise by the updatepack, you can use the batch files from the simplix thread.
@Nikos Test of the W7AIO_x86_WIth_Enterprise.cmd "script" Code: Script Started At 21:02:31.74 Script Finished At 23:22:18.01
@Enthousiast thanks for the quick reply. 2h+ is a long time. I usually create the Win7 iso manually. You can create a script only for enterprise edition.
In the past i did it ll manually, by manually running the commandlines in cmd and sometimes using MSMG Toolkit, WinToolkit, dism gui, gimagex and ultraiso. For wim>esd conversion i used WIM<>ESD by @abbodi1406. It took many hours for all to complete, if i didn't f**k it up in the process This "tool" is specifically created to do the job it's meant for, creating an AiO iso, with the least possible steps and taking the least possible time.
@Nikos Test of the W7AIO_x86_WIth_Enterprise.cmd "script" Code: Script Started At 14:38:31.82 Script Finished At 17:21:56.89
@Nikos Test of the W7_x86_Enterprise_Only.cmd "script" Code: Script Started At 23:08:04.85 Script Finished At 0:10:21.89 This script was also a test for the host os architecture checking code, so the correct wimlib-imagex architecture is used, with help from @Windows_Addict Will adjust all scripts asap
And last but not least @Nikos Test of the W7_x64_Enterprise_Only.cmd "script" Code: Script Started At 0:20:14.41 Script Finished At 1:44:39.74
Great work man! Very useful for those of us who tend to bother with windows 7 builds and updates on a weekly basis While inspecting the folder contents: - NVMe drivers for Samsung and Intel are the older ones (Samsung v2.1.0.1611 & Intel v1.8.0.1011) vs the more recent ones (Samsung v3.1.0.1901 & Intel v4.3.0.1006) on Fernando's Win-Raid forum. Any reason for that like performance or compatibility etc? PS: you didn't include Micron drivers. Micron/Crucial are really popular m.2 SSDs (v2.1.5.0 WHQL) - Are the (W)Lan drivers from Driverpacks or SamLab? Would you also include AHCI/RAID for a more complete package? - I too use a multilanguage integrated (de, en, es, fr, it) 7 Enterprise iso. Looking at the batch I would need to comment out only the SKU part. I could also "include" the multilanguage part inside your script from abbodi1406's batch. - If I got it right, when creating the boot wim you use Windows 10' setup along with some files (sources, lang.ini, background.bmp etc) from Windows 7's boot wim. Next you integrate NVMe and USB 3 drivers into boot, winre and install wims by using DISM. Why do you integrate NVMe & USB 3 again with Simplix's updatepack? I can help you with feedback if needed
The drivers inside the full download are samples, they are collected from win-raid, you can delete them and replace with the ones you want/need, or put newer ones in the folders too, next to the nvme drivers (they are inserted in all wim files). The (W)Lan drivers are old ones from, you can put newer ones in, if needed. Never been to SamLab, do they have complete packages? Before SiMPLiX didn't support multi LP's for the WA addons, i haven't tested MUI iso's with 19.4.10. But it's never a good idea to use mui ISO's, when installing, all languages will be deployed too, only taking up diskspace. Boot.wim is win 7 based, i used info from @mkuba50 by private convo to create it, it probably can be done in more/better ways, it works and that's whay counts for me USB3.x drivers are not integrated in install.wim, SiMPLiX integrates an USB3.x installer tool for install.wim. It doesn't provide nvme drivers, only the nvme compatibility updates,
All languages that you've integrated will be installed, using disk space. And no this is not like that tool.
Hi, Thanks for such a nice tool. I read the scripts and I'm curious as to how are you integrating USB 3.x drivers in install.wim "indirectly". Can you explain this? I saw lines related to nVME and (W)LAN drivers being integrated to install.wim but not for USB 3.x. I want to integrate Thunderbolt drivers. Do I need to do in install.wim too after boot.wim & winre.wim? Also, I wanted to know would this support Ryzen AM4 motherboards? Since that needed "special" USB3.x drivers and I had to do that manually some time back when I created my install media. Thanks & Regards.