Medical Marijuana - Compassion, Decriminalization, Human rights...

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by timesurfer, Nov 25, 2012.

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  1. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #1 timesurfer, Nov 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I suffer every day from debilitating pain, horrific migranes and unbearable nausea and I'm tired of watching hundreds of thousands people world wide go to jail, be given felonies, and their families lives ruined over a harmless herb the cosmos gave us to heal our bodies and minds...

    That's how I'm feeling!

    Measure Z: Oakland’s Alternative to the Drug War

    Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis

    How Cannabis Can Revolutionize Our Economy

    Marijuana - Documentary

    Here is a list of annual deaths by each cause. This list should serve to show how ridiculous current marijuana prohibition is. Common, legal drugs like tobacco and alcohol are the leading causes of substance related death. Prescription drugs slip in at number three while suicides and even sexual fetishes result in more deaths than illegal drugs. Even aspirin kills more people than a natural, hardy herb called cannabis.

    Tobacco : 435,000
    Alcohol : 85,000
    Prescription Drugs : 32,000
    Suicide: 30,622
    Sexual Fetishes : 20,000
    All illegal drug use (excluding marijuana) : 17,000
    Aspirin : 7,600
    Marijuana : 0

  2. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    I'm hoping that the laws change. More states are setting precident and decriminalizing or legalizing marajuana, but it needs to change on a federal level.

    I personally don't smoke it, but I'd like to have the option if the need arises. And I'm all for those who need it to have it.

    P.S. I hope you're feeling ok, Timesurfer. Chronic pain is -no- joke. :(
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    Jan 25, 2012
    #3 SOCRATE_MMXII, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    Cannabis indica (Marihuana/pot/weed) IS a 8000 years-old medicine, but the quacks (read here BIG PHARMA) that run the AMA (another bunch of money brain-washed quacks) wanted this banned, 'cause of profit. But times are changing and big pharma is going down the marijuana will be what it once was. :worthy:

    In the '50 if a doctor would even suggest to a patient to seek alternative treatment for his/her sickness was thrown to jail and his/her medical license removed.

    A Canadian guy is living now in Holland because if he sets foot in Canada he's thrown in jail, even though he went to the authorities and told them he's growing marijuana in his back yard for medical purposes ONLY, but as usual, the authorities didn't give a f.uck about people.

    Marijuana IS NOT ADDICTIVE!!!
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  4. RaymondTH

    RaymondTH MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    304.30 Dependence

    This would be the same organization for which you have to thank for practically every study you would cite in favor of this clam :rolleyes:


    Jan 25, 2012
    Yep, is the same organization that said polio is a disease, but in fact it wasn't and the "vaccine" was the poison itself. ;)

    You're kiddin' right?

    Here's the Marijuana Madness (1934) movie that was ordered by AMA to discourage the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.

    Do you have any ideea how much money Big Pharma earned last year from cancer? At least 500 bln S$! Think! ;)

    Kid, at least get your facts straight before saying something. ;)

    PEACE BRO! :rasta:
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  6. RaymondTH

    RaymondTH MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    I don't know what universe you live in but here its the other way around.
    It was actually ordered by a church group, However unlike you I can criticize the propaganda coming from both sides

    Good I hope they make trillions developing lifesaving treatments.

    Eur Respir J. 2008 February; 31(2): 280--286.

    Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol effects in schizophrenia: implications for cognition, psychosis, and addiction.
    Biol Psychiatry. 2005 Mar 15;57(6):594-608.

    Cannabis use and the risk of developing a psychotic disorder.
    World Psychiatry. 2008;7(2):68-71.


    Both sides lie.
  7. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #7 timesurfer, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    Watch the video RaymondTH, every comment you've made and every one you will make has been debunked. Meanwhile 100,000 people die per year from non-cannabis "medicines"! Not one case of death has ever been attributed to cannabis! As most unbiased, non-prediposed doctors will admit, behavior problems exist prior to cannabis use!

    Everyone watch the entire video before displaying such uninformed ignorance.

    The real freedom fighters for this safe, effective, nature created medicine

    Oaksterdam University
  8. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    Source: PubMed

    There's still a -LOT- of research that needs to be done with regard to the effects of canabis on schizoeffective disorders. One can't say definitively that THC is a direct cause.

    But just as a schizoeffective person may or may not receive relief from one dopamine antagonist and get relief from another, trial and error is the order of the day. As is research.

    A quote from a friend who -is- a psychiatrist.

    "I wouldn't recommend Geodon for a person who had an irregular heart rhythm; just the same as I would not recommend canabis for everyone. But -every- psychiatrist -will- (at some point when all other dopamine antagonists fail) prescribe Geodon, with some form of monitoring. Why shouldn't it be the same for canabis?"

    Another argument: If you examine the effects of alcohol on the body, and the long term damage that ethyl alcohol causes, wouldn't it be prudent to argue that alcohol should be made illegal?

    That was tried and repealed because of the illegal business that was created. The loss of regulation and monitoring created a nightmare (Methyl alcohol and Ethylene Glycol being used instead of Ethyl alcohol, Formaldehyde added to add kick, etc.) Not to mention the loss of tax revenues.

    This country needs a source of capital. What better than the tax revenues from canabis?

    Make it legal, make sure it's clean and regulated, and profit from it.

    Enough of this 1920's bullschit.

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  9. RaymondTH

    RaymondTH MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    #9 RaymondTH, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    Oh I don't deny that someone will have a video claiming the opposite hell perhaps they might even have a nice appeal to authority aka this scientist believes it therefore its proven and I can ignore all the other evidence, But this is a scientific issue and if you want to prove a clam you need research not videos. Now your side has no problems whatsoever citing pubmed when it suits you to prove its use as a painkiller but as soon as the cancer cure claims come up then all of a sudden big pharma is responsible for your inability to prove your claims.

    In short a video is insufficient evidence to prove this claim, If it was id be believing the earth is 6000 years old right now because some failure of a geologist decided to cash in on the bible belt.

    Far from it if there were a painkiller on the market with side effects like increased risk of cancer, mental disorder, issues with pregnancy etc it wouldn't be tolerated.

    I'm gob smacked when people bring up the appeal to nature logical fallacy, What planet are you living on exactly ? Arsenic, Cyanide ? Where did they come from exactly and that's not touching the toxins created by animals. Nature created ? So is Cyanide? Would you eat some Cyanide capsules ? You cant honestly think like this and live on planet earth.

    One can not say definitively that this universe is real and not existing on someone's server, So what ? Absolute certainty doesn't exist. We can say what the research has shown that continued use has a substantial increase in the risk of development of mental illness later in life.

    Im not making the case that it should be made illegal just debunking the lies on both sides
  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I reply as a professional which job is to research for new phytochemical drugs.
    Let me first post how I use the term drug in my job. It originally comes from droog, Dutch for dried.
    It is used by us for:
    a) Dried herbals, plants generally
    b) Substances which take an action in human bodies.

    The common use of the word drug is to name substances which are controlled or even forbidden by laws (government).
    To own such substances is actually a punishable act!

    I started my profession to research by drug design, means to create (synthesize) new substances which have the potential to cure diseases such has Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy. I did that 12 years. Now I am focused on herbals.

    The company where I work usually avoids to research for new drugs which are controlled by laws.
    Governments restrict categories of plants / herbals and substances. The restriction goes that far that companies rather do not dare to work on it than to get all the needed papers and permissions.
    There are even categories such as the so called hallucinogenics for which one doesn't get a permission to research on it at all. Laws are changing, though.

    Anyway the laws permit us researcher to work where we think there is a use for a treatment of diseases. They obstruct free research. And that is actually the bitter pill.
    Why are there substances, the so called drugs, which are forbidden by laws?

    It either are substances such as Diamorphine (Heroin, 'H') or amphetamines, yes even MDMA (ecstasy) and many others which were developed as medicine. Their history forced governments to create laws.

    Or it are herbals, mixture of herbals, mushrooms, which were used traditionally in old cultures already.

    To the latter belongs cannabis, mushrooms of the type of psilocybe and Ayahuasca.

    To name only a few.

    The reason for governments to forbid them was always abuse and political reasons.

    When reading this thread I have to recognize that it already went into a aggressive pro and contra discussion.
    Each side will find their arguments and the result will be absolute no insight of the "opponent's" point of view.
    It reflects our society.

    It is not easy for governments to handle 'drugs'. Their job is also to protect their citizens.
    But the governments have their big mistakes.

    They declare the drugs to be harmful and responsible and NOT the improper use of them!
    It are the humans who do not use them properly. Why?
    Because they never have learned or have got the chance to learn to use them properly.
    The governments actually are not interested that somebody could use them properly. So their easy way is to forbid them. They forbid them even to us researcher!
    So governments have no interests to evaluate old laws.

    To use drugs without knowledge can never be good. For a proper use you need a professional who has experience with it and can instruct a proper use.
    No matter if it are shamans, Curanderos, medicine men, physicians.

    In old cultures there never had been use of them without to be instructed (sometimes with rituals) by a 'professional' who is familiar with it.
    There are no harmful substances, there are no substances which causes addictions.
    There is only a wrong use of them.

    And when a substance mutates from a cure, from medicine to a substance that cannot be used properly by citizens, then their government has no other way than to control the use by corresponding laws.
    The drug is simply at its wrong place since the society which exists at this place can nothing but to abuse it.

    When there is no disease then there is no need for a cure. When taken medicine or drugs anyway then they are abused.
    It's quite easy. And only abuse leads to bad actions, not proper use. Even Heroin can be used properly and causes then absolute no addiction.

    The government must protect its citizens against abuse. But they have not the right to obstruct their powers as cure as medicine which reliefs suffering.

    So when there is somebody who suffers from a disease and there is a cure for it the laws have to make sure the one can get its cure!!!

    It is sick when somebody gets punished because he owns cannabis, because it is the only thing that is able to cure his disease.
    It is actually a sign that neither governments nor the majority of the humans can handle drugs.

    Some are just allowed such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine. Far more sick is that there are taxes on cigarettes, coffee and alcohols.
    The government makes money with (allowed) drugs and punishes those who use their medical cannabis, because its forbidden.
    People say to use meds is smarter than to use drugs! People say, it is better to drink alcohol than to use cannabis!!!
    How many have died already due to excessive abuse of alcohol and it is allowed?
    We have governments which execute the death penalty when trading / owning drugs!!!

    Drugs are in a bad odor. Drugs firstly were stigmatized by governments and later by the brainwashed citizens.
    Governments declare drugs to be harmful and one who uses them is a bad man.
    So governments have created their studies which prove their opinions.
    They play with the humans fear of things they do not know. And so they can inject the bad image of drugs.

    Wise men always have respected herbal medicine. They did because they have got that not the substance itself is the cure, but herbals initiate the self-healing powers who reside in each individual. They just remove an imbalance of that what actually ever eternally is one balance, the cosmic consciousness.
    They act as an translator to make one aware that it is the one oneself that creates the suffering.
    So they respect their herbals.
    It's a awareness that is not (yet) cultivated in the western modern society, where technology, money and consume are prevailing.
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  11. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    #11 Michaela Joy, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    @RaymondTH: I'm the last one to knock "big pharmaceutical companies" because I understand that their focus must be on absolute, proveable research. And, they also must turn a profit. (Non Recurring Engineering) What I'm saying is that today's pot farmers use various methods to bolster the levels of THC in their products whose safety is debatable (Not all, mind you, but some). The result is a dangerous, unregulated mess that gives pot a bad name and can potentially cause health problems.

    I would encourage the pharmaceutical industry to step in and regulate the processing, or, to study the effects as an analgesic. If dried willow bark wasn't studied, We'd be without aspirin right now.

    Yen is right. -any- drug is dangerous. Not only in its' use, but also in its' ability to be used as a recreational drug. I'm sure that Oxycontin wasn't designed for this purpose, but it's one of the more dangerous ones. Even Cabergoline (Used to treat hyperprolactinemia) is used as a recreational drug in some circles, because of its' ability to artificially lower serum prolactin production and allow men to have multiple orgasms.

    Everything in this world is dangerous or risky. Anything ingested or put into the body has a risk associated with it. I'm not saying that we should blindly follow, but we must keep an open mind.

    And if the rewards outweigh the risks, we should consider that before we prevent someone from having a small amount of relief. And, In My Humble Opinion, the -patient- should be allowed to decide.

    After all...they are the ones who are sick.

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  12. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #12 redroad, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
    I am a little tired at the moment so I will wait to weigh in fully but for the time being I would just like to say progressive thought can pave a way for us all to meet in some semblance of harmony .. A rigid posture on any issue will only block healing/harmony ..

    @Yen that is the bridge to far right now for some .. I really enjoyed your posts here, as well as others, so well said..

    I was reading this earlier today it is worth a read in it's entirety IMHO ..

  13. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    I will smoke to that lol :eek: again lol here in Washington the voters voted for it, lets see what happens with that, excuse me I have to water my plants :cool:
  14. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #14 timesurfer, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
    Pharmacuticles have thousands of dealy side affects that kill 100,000 people a year and it's tolerated and yet cannabis kills no one but like a politician or usual religious person you've dodged the real questions and your posts seem to just cover over medicinal cannabis being not only recognized as less harmful than tobacco, alcohol but especially drugs you can over dose on like most pharmaceuticals or cocaine and heroin.

    Marajuana side effect = Munchies/and or the need to go to 7-11 for a slurpee to get brain freeze or nachos or both

    This seems more than about your personal beliefs which are staggeringly uninformed but seem to have zero compassion about the human rights and the specific right to cultivate your own medicine. Cannabis prohibition sits on total BS as doctors in that era paid by special interest lobbiest and backed by billion dollar companies to lie and claim severe false information about cannabis. It doesn't kill brain cells, has been shown to stop the spread of cancer and in test studies with jamacan woman that drank cannabis tea they indeed had better relationships with their offspring. Talking to you is like talking to the U.S. government. Their is no discussion cause they control the rights not the people. In Oakland there is not this ignorance displayed in your post. Cops know people are passive when medicated/stoned. It is proven that in the area of an cannabis dispensary crime drops significantly. And above all it's hemp that completed with industry so it's sister maryjane had to take the fall and all it's peaceful, conscious participants. In 1937 there we no problems with cannabis. In fact 50% of all medicines in the U.S. had cannabis in them before the prohibition. No s**t! No one who smokes is prone to violence nor was there any real problems in the U.S. NONE! It's all about money and where there's money there's a need to control and instill fear usually around times of war. No one has ever gotten cancer from smoking cannabis but many thousands get cancer from tobacco and alcohol and that's ok to you? In fact when one gets cancer and will prematurely die they can at least improve their quality of life with cannabis as well as the families of cancer patients get to watch their loved ones not suffer or not as much! WTF dude wake up!

    Fight crime not cannabis and support your brothers and sisters in not going to jail for non-violent cannabis related crimes for sometimes life :eek: Stop giving felonies to cannabis users which doesn't allow them to get loans for college but a murder or rapist when they get out of jail can get financial school assistance! WTF dude. And it can be impossible to get a job furthering the rate of unemployment, not to mention minorities have been targeted as the focal point on top of the racism and uphill battle they already face in racist america

    Gateway What a pile of The gateway drugs are alcohol, tobacco, sugar and caffeine. This whole cannabis prohibition was bulls**t with zero unbiased evidence, will always be bulls**t, and because of supporters like you many thousands will die and be harmed because of this drug war. And the DEA target the non-harmful or least harmful of all things on earth, Many innocent people like a child who has no father around cause he got caught with a joint and is doing 5 years. WTF dude? Don't you give a f@#k at all?

    Don't you care about anybody but yourself cause at the heart of this prohibition is true selfishness and ignorance and even hate. Because of cannabis alone in Oakland their is less racism because of the connection of herb amongst people of all backgrounds, races, etc...

    Stop the madness please. The topic is if your short sitedness has made you forget

    Medical Marijuana - Compassion, Decriminalization, Human rights...


    Medical marijuana - Lets keep hurting peaceful people healing and suffering cause well uh that's the most information I can come up with And it's not my problem so well I got what I need f@#k everyone else and I support the drug

    100.000 deaths a year due to pharmacuticals Dumb people


    0 deaths via cannabis use Smart people

    Really :rolleyes:

    The head of the Oaksterdam University is a mother and damn good one and she is a great mom I've seen first hand. And her child is healthy and happy. And their at the core of the movement

    Mental Well I'm seeing a trend here or mental disorder when all the real facts are present and no Government/religious propaganda/scare tactics, etc are around but yet people want to support harm where no harm is needed WTF

    Supporting the drug war = Mental Disorder

    Reefer madness right

    Cannabis brings the world together not apart

    But ignorance and it's worshipers just seem to cause more pain and separation and you've clearly stated you want a world of pain and harm not the opposite if you support the drug war on cannabis!

    Cannabis isn't dangerous at all but in history without doubt ignorance is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMFG :suicide:

    Thanks RR

    Illegal Drugs. Natural plants which if legalized would destroy a great portion of the profits of the oil industry, the pharmacology industry and the paper industry. Farmers in this country could make a living again and furnish income and jobs to the country instead of depending on government and business to shore them up. Before WW I, Marijuana was the largest and most profitable crop grown in the USA. Illegal drugs are the greatest criminal money making opportunity since the tulip craze. It is one of the largest businesses in the USA today, filtering huge sums of money into party coffers, banks, stock markets, private accounts, and corporations. Statistics and lies are bought and paid for by industry to deceive the public. Please, the corporations beg! Keep these drugs illegal - or we will lose our power, our excuse (slight of mind) for controlling people, for ruining their lives and losing our unbelievable profits. Sold in Drug Stores by prescription as expensive substitute medicines from doctors who profit as they prescribe these substitutes for the real natural plants. Our ladder to the good life.

    Drug War. This excuse (slight of mind) is used to enslave the American people, take away all their freedoms, enrich the elite bank accounts, conquer foreign countries in order to gain control of their natural resources, institute a type of dictatorship (for our own good and that of our children) and to raises taxes. Actually, the drug war is the instrument of our dissolution as a republic or democracy. The drug war is the single worst happening in this country - EVER. (Until the Patriot Act.)


    We in Oakland we're so happy about your win against ignorance in Washington :)

    @Michaela Joy

    multiple orgasms

    PAYMYRENT MDL Developer

    Jul 28, 2009
  16. RaymondTH

    RaymondTH MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    True but that's because Pharmaceuticals have to do far more than act as simple painkillers take this for example
    Eur Respir J. 2008 February; 31(2): 280--286.

    When joint-years of use were fitted as a continuous variable, thus providing greater statistical power than the assessment by tertile of use, a significant increasing risk, 8%, with each joint-year of use was found (RR=1.08, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.15) (Table 2). The strength of the association was maintained when cannabis
    use in the 5 years prior to diagnosis, or reference date for controls, was excluded (RR=1.10, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.18). (Table 2). A significant increase in the risk was also observed with increasing cigarette smoking, with
    a 7% increase in risk for each pack-year of exposure (RR=1.07, 95% CI 1.05 to 1.09), after adjustment for confounding variables including cannabis smoking. Therefore, the increased risk for each pack-year of cigarette smoking was similar to that for each joint-year of cannabis use.

    I didn't resort to ad-homs regarding your spelling and id ask you to do the same, I respect your right to risk your life on quack treatments instead of real medicine.

    Prove it.

    Im not opposed to that just the bogus claims made by you and the prohibition side, Guess which ones are dangerous to human health that's right your claims.

    And how does ensuring people have accurate information regarding the negative health implications of cannabis hurt anyone ?

  17. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #17 timesurfer, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  18. BobSheep

    BobSheep MDL Guru

    Apr 19, 2010
    I'm in two minds about this.


    Jan 25, 2012
    @RaymondTH: I can show you a million people with cancer THAT DIED FROM CHEM-TREATMENT earlier than they have died without any treatment at all. Take any medication used in cancer treatment and on the leaflet says: THIS CAN CAUSE CANCER!!! How can a substance that's causing cancer in the first place to cure cancer???

    NONE have died from smoking/drinking or eating cannabis! NONE!

    PEACE MAN! Smoke a joint and clear your mind! ;)
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  20. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Cannabis has also Psychoactive components and actions. And that is the problem. They are declared to be side effects which may cause harm so they say.

    Cannabis has definite actions such as appetizing and decreases the intraocular pressure. It also reliefs specials pains.
    Western science is familiar with those actions, we have models which are established and we have agreement.
    But it looks definitively different when it comes to psychoactive actions.

    And it's right there is no direct evidence of death caused by cannabis published at serious scientific magazines.
    Of course the way to smoke is always a way which causes toxic side products that are known to trigger diseases.
    It is the combustion of organic substances that is actually a undeterminable process and any time different.
    The fact that when smoking it, it will be inhaled deeply into lungs is the reason for studies that indicate a higher potential when smoking a joint compared to cigarettes.
    There is no significant evidence that cannabis itself is responsible for it...of course you will find studies that seem to prove that and also studies that disprove that....

    If you know the history of the most famous psychoactive drug, LSD-25 and its discovery, the honest intention to make it available by Sandoz as Delysid, its spectacular scientific news, its way to the street....its stop of production.
    Its poor attempt by the majority of western scientists to figure the mechanisms of actions....and finally its abuse and disappearance, then you know that western science and psychoactive substances do not work together.

    Concerning that time has not changed. Only a few scientists were able to get what such substances are really for...Albert Hofmann himself and Stanislav Grof to name two of them, but what is it worth when only a minority can handle special drugs properly and a society cannot? What is it worth when old cultures could and our present society can obviously not??
    It has no chance to become established for those minorities. And so no legal cure.

    If cannabis would not show psychoactive actions it would be already an established herbal.
    There are clinical studies of people which were familiar with LSD. Some have got pure THC and some LSD. They could not differentiate both.

    Consider the following:
    How can a drug be useful when it has the potential to show to you that your identification with what you think you are is just an illusion? That your idea of 'I' is just a thought?
    How else a government can react but to forbid it?
    How want western scientists ever explain the actions using models, which are creations of the mind? Actions which are happening beyond the mind?
    How will they ever explain 'schizoaffective disorders' when they are all suffering from a wrong idea of themselves?

    There ever will be studies which prove that cannabis induces psychological disorders and studies which are proving relief of them. Why?

    Because to some the wrong idea of oneself starts to dissolve and to an other it enhances when consuming it.
    Cannabis is not good for any one. Lots of people have tried it and came to that conclusion.
    So to glorify it is wrong and also to criminalize those who are using it.
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