Hi all, i was wondering if anybody could help me gather some info regarding different ms programs and the "channel ID" of that program. In case you are wondering what "channel id" is if you go to menu->help->about in most ms programs it will display your Product ID in the format of XXXXX-AAA-BBBBBBB-CCCCC. The 'AAA' part is the "channel ID". I dont want the entire Product ID or your product key but just the channel id (AAA) number. If your program is OEM version then 'AAA' will show OEM. In this instance the channel ID will be the first 3 numbers (not including 0's) in 'BBBBBBB' part. Eg) 12345-215-0123456-12345 or 12345-OEM-0012345-12345 So you could post for example Microsoft Office 2000 Standard Retail - Channel ID - 215 or Microsoft Office 2000 Professional OEM - Channel ID - 123 Now these are just made up numbers but i was wondering if there is some pattern/structure to these numbers. Obviously the more results would help to identify any patterns and i shouldnt think this against the rules of the forum as this info isnt a serial number or serial key but just the version info
Okay I'll start I will edit this post with consolidated information. Windows 98 Retail Upgrade - Channel ID - 005 -> 007 Windows 98 Retail Full - Channel ID - 005 -> 025 Windows 98 OEM Full - Channel ID - 700 -> 760 Windows 98 SE Retail Full - Channel ID - 270 Windows Me Retail Upgrade - Channel ID - 010 Windows XP Pro Retail - Channel ID - 010 -> 085 Windows XP Media Center Edition Retail - Channel ID - 365 -> 369 Windows XP Tablet Edition Retail - Channel ID - 360 -> 364 Windows XP Home Edition Retail - Channel ID - 010 -> 085 Windows XP Pro VLK - Channel ID - 640 -> 647 Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs - Channel ID - 640 -> 699 Office 2000 Professional OEM - Channel ID - 983 Office 2000 Small Business Edition OEM - Channel ID - 995 Office 2000 Standard Retail - Channel ID - 005 Office 2000 Professional Retail - 023 Office XP Professional Volume - Channel Id - 640 Office XP Professional Retail - Channel ID - 752
Yeah I've seen that page. It is only referring to Windows XP. I am looking at any Microsoft software that uses the 25 character product key. Office, windows, Encarta, etc.
Office XP Professional Volume - Channel Id - 640 Office XP Professional Retail - Channel ID - 752 Windows XP Pro VLK - Channel ID - 640 <----- everyone knows that one!