Microsoft Defender Anti-Malware/Platform Update Kit for Windows 11 (Updated: February 28th, 2025)

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by steven4554, Jul 3, 2021.


Should I drop the arm64 defender cabs for both Windows 10 and 11?

Poll closed Oct 7, 2023.
  1. Yes

    32 vote(s)
  2. No

    12 vote(s)
  3. Maybe/Don't Know

    29 vote(s)
  1. Blackbird52

    Blackbird52 MDL Novice

    Dec 3, 2009
    Dear @steven4554
    I Download 4 time and my SHA-1 is "B58FAD4EA5E2FAD0B9C2A85E3E1E99EBFDFFD7E5" yours for win 10&11 x64 is "A2523C0C70EF5079A12627FDA656E490A9802DCC"
    are they suppose to be same file for both win10&11 ? and are the files are correct or problem is on my side ?
    thanks for Great work
  2. steven4554

    steven4554 MDL Expert

    Jul 12, 2009
    Thanks for spotting the error, and it's my fault by putting the SHA-1 A2523C0C70EF5079A12627FDA656E490A9802DCC instead of the stable version hash which is B58FAD4EA5E2FAD0B9C2A85E3E1E99EBFDFFD7E5. ;)

    All corrected now. :)
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  3. ЯƎHTͶAꟼ

    ЯƎHTͶAꟼ MDL Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2017

    Thanks for this work. Question:
    Is there a way it can make the previous versions mark as superseeded, somehow?
    I tested something out but it shows both version in as "installed" now, not sure why.

    Thanks in advance.
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    This is an offline integration project only, no online installation.

    Can you show your test?
  5. xploitmachine

    xploitmachine MDL Member

    Sep 15, 2023
    Both below folders are safe to delete and gain some spaces .. use IOBit Unlocker or any other unlocking utility to delete both below folders as they're protected :)

    Delete Old Definition Backup Patterns - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\Backup
    Delete On Screen Obsolete Scan Reports - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Scans
  6. Hader2108

    Hader2108 MDL Novice

    Mar 6, 2024
    I have a question concerning defender. On my 23H2 system my windows-security broke down. (3 services. As soon as I start them the important one shut down without an detailed error) Calling it; it comes with a black screen. That's it. Calling it through settings - Privacy& Security - Windows-security; screen hangs. Can close settings. Something is broken. OK let-try to fix it. Found many articles how to fix it but no solution for my problem. (I suspect that others encountered the same problems) Went through an useless 24H2 upgrade and it works fine. Back to 23H2 because of 24H2 issues. Deinstalling F-secure and repairing defender did not solve the problem. The final solution was reinstall everything again. Wil not do that if 24H2 will solve the problem. 24H2 has some serious problems caused by their need to release it quick. (to quick) Now not an option. OK let's try something else deinstall defender and reinstall it again. Closer to the solution! Get it working-ish.... Microsoft wants that you should pay and subscribe to Office 365 in order to turn on defender to get it working, WTF? I already have Office Pro. Plus 2021 official. I am not falling for this "me wants mo money scam" I refuse. Is there workaround to this in order to get defender working again? A tall order I hear you think. And you are right, this problem is not easy to resolve. But hey. I can ask...... If there is no solution than I'll wait until that 24H2 BS is resolved. Will be OK. Find the situation a bit strange. DISM and SFC sees no problems while Defender is a part of Windows. It seems to ignore it.
  7. steven4554

    steven4554 MDL Expert

    Jul 12, 2009
    Thanks, also available on 2nd post of this thread. ;)
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  8. atplsx

    atplsx MDL Addicted

    May 11, 2009