Microsoft Online Account - Administrator for multiple devices ?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by itsmemario1, Dec 8, 2020.

  1. itsmemario1

    itsmemario1 MDL Expert

    Sep 10, 2012
    #1 itsmemario1, Dec 8, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2020
    I always avoided creating a Microsoft Online Acount for a device. Hence I dont know much about it.

    Lets say a company would hand out 20 laptops/desktops to its employees.

    Lets say the administrator creates a microsoft online account and sets it up as Admin Account on every single device before handing these out to the employees. The employees recieve a "normal" (local) account.

    The Administrator can, afaik, sync clipboard content, locate a device, mess with the Desktop and WiFi settings...but what else is possible ? And can you actually spy on employees as admin this way, even if there is NO remotedesktop active ?
    Is there any kind of confirmation ? Does it even work like this ?

    How does a login from "far away" work...if someone is actually working at the device already.
    I imagine a device is shown as "online" as soon as its connected to a network or WiFi.

    Would the login of the admin be noticed by the current user ?
    Or would it require a remotedesktop connection ?

    Is that possible at all as described ? As far as I understood, not all features are documented by Microsoft.

    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █​

    So I created an microsoft online account.

    Installed Windows 10 to 1 PC, using my online account credentials on the 1st login.

    I can now see CPU and OS info online, the status of the HDD, display driver and that virus and network checks are active.

    I could add a drive to OneDrive to safe local files...but it says "no useable drives found". hmmm

    "Locate my device" is not even close on the map and changes position on every search. :p

    Thats not what I expected in terms of "spying" on employees.
    So, basic infos is what I can "check".
  2. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
    Same for me here all my devices show in the map but about half a mile were their suppose to be not completely accurate but it triangulates it in the area, the lock device option does work.;)
  3. itsmemario1

    itsmemario1 MDL Expert

    Sep 10, 2012
    Can it be un-locked (quickly) afterwards ?
    Or will it stay locked for "some time" and local users locked "forever" ?
  4. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
    yes it stays locked until the administrator or person register in the primary MS account unlocks it.